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Big Boss Man

Elvis Presley G# Vote rhythm

New versions

4 years ago
Capo 1
[INTRO:] [G]
[G]They[C]They call your daddy big Boots, big Boots
is his [G]name.
It [F]takes a big man to[C]to wear big boots, that's
your [G]daddy's claim to[C]to fame.
[G]They[C]They know your daddy big boots, wherever
soldiers [G]are.
Cause [F]he can handle an[C]an armoured tank, jus[G]just like
a kiddy-[C]kiddy-car.
So, [F]sleep little soldier, don't you cry.
[C]Loo, loo, loo, loo, loo.
[F]General sandman's soon coming by.
[C]Loo loo loo loo[G]loo loo.
[G]I'm[C]I'm gonna tell you a little won't
believe it's [G]true.
[F]Did you know your daddy,[C]daddy, big boots, onc[G]once wore
little boots like [C]you.

