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A Million Lives Approved

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Tone: [C]
Intro -x2-:
[C] [G] [Am] [F]
T[C]The other day I got an email, [G]I almost didn't read it
B[Am]But something caught my eye ri[F]right before I could delete it
I[C]It was bold and underlined, "P[G]"Please Read" was the title
F[Am]Followed by "Jake you are my i[F]idol"
I[C]It said and I quote, my [G]name is Nikki and I used to be dancer
T[Am]Til the day the doctor diagnosed [F]me with cancer
S[C]So I said goodbye to all the hair[G]hair on my head
And said[Am]said hello to my hospital bed[F]bed
Y[C]Yeah see I was just a normal girl,[G]girl, it happened so fast
T[Am]There were so many days that I tho[F]thought would be my last
H[C]However the fight was tough, and t[G]the battle was long
B[Am]But I felt strong when I listened [F]to your songs
Y[C]You were, always there for me, you[G]you helped my heart beat
Y[Am]You were my only friend, kept you [F]on repeat
I[C]I thank God for you every single n[G]night
C[Am]Cause believe or not, you saved my[F]my life
I've [C]met a million people, [G]been a million places
S[Am]SHook a million hands, se[F]seen a million faces
I've h[C]had a million lows, a[G]and a million more highs
No I [Am]haven't made a million, but I've [F]touched a million lives
I've [C]met a million people, [G]been a million places
S[Am]SHook a million hands, se[F]seen a million faces
Ive h[C]had a million lows, a[G]and a million more highs
No I [Am]haven't made a million, but [F]I've, but I've
Yeah t[C]the mailman knocked sa[G]said it was for me
H[Am]Handed me a box, s[F]sent from Tennessee
W[C]Written on the top "f[G]"for jakes eyes only"
I[Am]Inside was a journal and l[F]letter that he wrote me
I[C]It said my name is Dillon [G]I'm in 7th grade
I'm r[Am]ridiculed and picked on almost[F]almost everyday
Yeah they [C]push me in the halls in [G]between my classes
Y[Am]Yesterday they took my books then [F]broke my glasses
I [C]got no one to talk to, it[G]its like I don't exist
S[Am]Sometimes I wonder if I was gone, w[F]would I be missed?
But l[C]lemme tell the real r[G]reason for this letter
You've [Am]helped me through it all, you've [F]help me feel better
You're[C]You're words gimme confidence, your[G]your messages inspire me
Y[Am]You help me find my inner st[F]strength deep inside me
T[C]Through all the bad times, y[G]you helped me find the light
B[Am]Believe or not, y[F]you saved my life
I've [C]met a million people, [G]been a million places
S[Am]SHook a million hands, se[F]seen a million faces
I've h[C]had a million lows, a[G]and a million more highs
No I [Am]haven't made a million, but I've [F]touched a million lives
I've [C]met a million people, [G]been a million places
S[Am]SHook a million hands, seen a million faces
Ive h[C]had a million lows, a[G]and a million more highs
No I [Am]haven't made a million, but [F]I've, but I've
I was si[C]sittin' at my table at d[G]dinner the other night
When I n[Am]noticed a little girl s[F]sittin' to my right
She was [C]lookin' at me like she [G]knew me, I guess she did
C[Am]Cause then she walked right up to, a[F]and then she said
M[C]My name is Sami and I sw[G]swear that I'm your biggest fan
I[Am]I think she even had my [F]name written on her hand
S[C]She said me my brother used to l[G]listen to you every day
U[Am]Until last year, w[F]when he passed away
I[C]I'll never forget [G]seein' my parents cry
W[Am]When they got a call s[F]sayin' that your son had died
M[C]Man I wish that he was here now, [G]you were his favorite
H[Am]He had your mixtape and [F]never stopped playin' it
Y[C]Your music gives me a fe[G]feelin that I just can't describe
I[Am]Its like I got my brother back, a[F]and hes still alive
I[C]I pray for both of you, e[G]every single night
C[Am]Cause believe or not, y[F]you saved my life
I've [C]met a million people, [G]been a million places
S[Am]SHook a million hands, se[F]seen a million faces
I've h[C]had a million lows, a[G]and a million more highs
No I [Am]haven't made a million, but I've [F]touched a million lives
I've [C]met a million people, [G]been a million places
S[Am]SHook a million hands, se[F]seen a million faces
Ive h[C]had a million lows, a[G]and a million more highs
No I [Am]haven't made a million, but [F]I've, but I've
N[C]Now lemme turn the table, an[G]and talk to you
I[Am]I had a dream but your the reason[F]reason that its comin' true
Y[C]Yeah I've had some dark days, whe[G]when the sun don't shine
B[Am]But you always reminded me t[F]that I would be fine
C[C]Cause when no else cared, yo[G]you believed in my vision
A[Am]And now I got an army comin'[F]comin' with me on my mission
I[C]I thank God for all you, eve[G]every single night
C[Am]Cause believe or not, y[F]you saved my life


Song information

Jake Miller (Key C) (Link)
Jake Miller AmCFG US-UK