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Moderate > Approval queue > Ize of the World

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Ize of the World Approved

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Tone: [E]
[Dbm]I think I know what you
[Gbm]mean but w[Abm]watch what you [E]say
'[Dbm]'cause they'll be trying
to k[Gbm]knock you [Abm]down in some [E]way
S[Dbm]ometimes it feels like
the w[Gbm]orld is f[Abm]alling as[E]leep
H[Dbm]How do you wake someone
[Gbm]up from in[Abm]side a dre[E]am?
Y[Dbm]our mind would wander and s[Gbm]
earch for its p[Abm]lace in the n[E]ight
Y[Dbm]our body followed this
fe[Gbm]eling like f[Abm]ollowing l[E]ight
O[Dbm]Once that your music was [Gbm]
born it fo[Abm]llowed you 'r[E]ound
A[Dbm]nd then it gave your act[Gbm]
ivities, meaning and[Abm] let you be l[E]oud
[Gbm]You're sad but you s[Abm]smile
[A]It not in your e[E]eyes
[Gbm]Your eyeballs won't c[Abm]change
It's the m[A]muscles around your [E]eyes
[Abm]An egg to fertil[E]fertilize
[Abm]A pulse to stabil[E]stabilize
[Abm]A body to deodor[E]deodorize
[Abm]A life to scrutin[E]scrutinize
[Abm]A child to critic[E]criticize
[Abm]Young adults to moder[E]modernize
[Abm]Citizens to terror[E]terrorize
[Abm]Generations to desensit[E]desensiti
Solo -repeat-:
[Dbm] [Gbm] [B] [E]
[Dbm]You're dreams are sweet and
ob[Gbm]sessed and y[Abm]our overw[E]orked
Y[Dbm]ou're overtaken by v[Gbm]
isions of b[Abm]eing overl[E]ooked
Ho[Dbm]How disappointed would D.-ead- I[Gbm]I.-dealistic-
t[Dbm]o see such power in our
h[Gbm]ands all wa[Abm]sted on gr[E]eed
A[Dbm]Am I a prisoner to instincts?
Or do[Gbm]do my thoughts just live
As free and det[Abm]detached
As boats to the d[E]dock?
[Dbm]Just like when music was [Gbm]
born and de[Abm]detached from your h[E]heart
[Dbm]Is your free time to free[Gbm]
minds or for[Abm] falling a[E]part?
[Gbm]Night after [Abm]night
[A]You turn out the [E]light
[Gbm]You don't fall as[Abm]asleep right a[A]away
"Are we... are we don[E]done?"
[Abm]a desk to organ[E]organize
[Abm]a product to advert[E]advertise
[Abm]a market to monopol[E]monopolize
[Abm]Movie stars you idol[E]idolize
[Abm]Leaders to scandal[E]scandalize
[Abm]Enemies to neutral[E]neutralize
[Abm]No time to apolog[E]apologize
[Abm]Fury to tranquil[E]tranquilize
[Abm]Weapons to synchron[E]synchronize
[Abm]Cities to vapor-[E]vapor-i


Song information

The Strokes (Key E) (Link)
The Strokes AAbmBDbmEGbm US-UK
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