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JewelSculk - JewelSculk - JewelSculk
1 days ago

Fairytales Approved

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Tone: [Gm]
Verse 1:
[Gm]another vi[Eb]llain def[Bb]eated in the sto[F]ry
[Gm]another he[Eb]ro who ne[Bb]eds to get his glo[F]ry
so he t[Gm]ook it on hims[Eb]elf to con[Bb]quer him by morn[D]ing
but w[Gm]hat if he’s n[Eb]ot the ba[Bb]d guy[F]
[Gm]what if he’s n[Eb]ot the ba[Bb]d guy[F]
the v[Gm]oice was t[Eb]aken from the mer[Bb]maid[F]
but w[Gm]hat if she s[Eb]tole it in the fi[Bb]rst plac[F]e
and they be[Gm]lieved her be[Eb]cause of her pr[Bb]etty fac[F]e
[Gm]maybe she’s the o[Eb]ne to b[Bb]lame[F]
[Gm]maybe she’s the o[Eb]ne to b[Bb]lame[F]
what if the b[Gm]bad guy wasn’t the b[Bb]bad guy
what if the h[Eb]hero wasn’t really g[D7]good
what if the da[Gm]damsel in distress was li[Bb]living her life
and he t[Eb]took her away from the on[D7]one she loved
[Gm]what if prince charming poisoned sle[Bb]sleeping beauty
cuz she reje[Eb]rejected him a moment bef[D7]before
and w[Gm]what if fairytales don’t have ha[Bb]happy endings
[Eb]what if they end up in w[D7]war
Verse 2:
they s[Gm]ay snow wh[Eb]ite was cha[Bb]rmed by the sor[F]ceress
but w[Gm]hat if she che[Eb]cked the ap[Bb]ple befor[F]ehand
just m[Gm]ake sure those dwa[Eb]rves didn’t ge[Bb]t it agai[F]n
[Gm]maybe she’s n[Eb]not so e[Bb]evil [F]
[Gm]maybe she’s n[Eb]not so e[Bb]evil [F]
i guess the b[Gm]beast ended [Eb]up alri[Bb]ght in the end[F]
but w[Gm]hat if the enc[Eb]hantress mes[Bb]sed with their head[F]s
[Gm]maybe she m[Eb]ade them al[Bb]l hate him[F]
[Gm]what if he was a[Eb]always k[Bb]kind [F]
and it was j[Gm]ust their st[Eb]ate of m[Bb]ind [F]
what if the b[Gm]bad guy wasn’t the b[Bb]bad guy
what if the h[Eb]hero wasn’t really g[D7]good
what if the da[Gm]damsel in distress was li[Bb]living her life
and he t[Eb]took her away from the on[D7]one she loved
[Gm]what if prince charming poisoned sle[Bb]sleeping beauty
cuz she reje[Eb]rejected him a moment bef[D7]before
and w[Gm]what if fairytales don’t have ha[Bb]happy endings
[Eb]what if they end up in w[D7]war
what if the b[Gm]bad guy wasn’t the b[Bb]bad guy
what if the h[Eb]hero wasn’t really g[D7]good
what if the da[Gm]damsel in distress was li[Bb]living her life
and he t[Eb]took her away from the on[D7]one she loved
[Gm]what if prince charming poisoned sle[Bb]sleeping beauty
cuz she reje[Eb]rejected him a moment bef[D7]before
and w[Gm]what if fairytales don’t have ha[Bb]happy endings
[Eb]what if they end up in w[D7]war


Song information

Gabby Sophia (Key D) (Link)
Gabby Sophia BbDD7EbFGm US-UK
Vote rhythm