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Pretty Little Things Approved

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Tone: [Am]
Capo: 1
[F] [Am] [C] [F] [F] [Am] [C] [F]
I o[F]once loved a man
Who was all lips and h[Am]hands,
Cracked lips and h[C]hands,
Calloused h[F]hands.
I st[F]still feel his touch
Against my s[Am]skin
Past loves li[C]linger like
Phantom li[F]limbs [F]
I[F]I'll cut straight to the h[Am]heart
I don't beli[C]believe
The pretty little things t[F]that you say.
I've heard a lot of little p[G]pretty things.
Don't buy me fl[Am]flowers,
It pains me to wa[C]watch
Pretty little things w[F]wilt away [F] [G]
Pr[G]Pretty little things w[Am]wilt away
Ah who o[C]ooh ah
Pr[C]Pretty little things w[F]wilt away [F] [G]
Th[G]There are lessons in l[F]life
No one should have to l[Am]learn,
But trust is now s[C]something
I make people e[F]earn.
So I[F]I'm not inclined
To just give it a[Am]away
To a pair of blue e[C]eyes
With some nice things to s[F]say [F]
I[F]I'll cut straight to the h[Am]heart
I don't beli[C]believe
The pretty little things t[F]that you say.
I've heard a lot of little p[G]pretty things.
Don't buy me fl[Am]flowers,
It pains me to wa[C]watch
Pretty little things w[F]wilt away [F] [G]
Pr[G]Pretty little things w[Am]wilt away
Ah who o[C]ooh ah
Pr[C]Pretty little things w[F]wilt away [F] [G]
[G]I know a tr[F]trick to make a man's color s[Am]show
If he sees something he wa[C]wants,
Tell him [F]no [F]
M[Am]Maybe you're right,
Maybe I have been [C]used up
By an[F]another man's hungry hands.
M[Am]Maybe you're right,
Maybe I have been r[C]ruined
For all [F]other men after him.
But m[Am]maybe I'm the one who's right.
M[C]Maybe you have proven why
W[F]Women like me
N[E]Never fall for pretty little th[E]things
I'[F]I'll cut straight to the h[Am]heart
I don't beli[C]believe
The pretty little things t[F]that you just say.
I've heard a lot of little p[G]pretty things.
Don't buy me fl[Am]flowers,
It pains me to wa[C]watch
Pretty little things w[F]wilt away [F] [G]
Pr[G]Pretty little things w[Am]wilt away
Ah who o[C]ooh ah
Pr[C]Pretty little things w[Am]wilt away
Ah who o[C]ooh ah
Pr[C]Pretty little things w[F]w
ilt away [F] [G] [Am] [Am] [Am]


Song information

The Crane Wives (Key Bbm) (Link)
The Crane Wives AmCEFG US-UK
Slow Rock