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Moderate > Approval queue > Do You Wanna Be Friends?

Waiting for approve

Do You Wanna Be Friends? Approved

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Tone: [B]
Verse 1:
“Do you wanna be frie[B]friends?”
I mean I wanna be [E]more,
but if “fri[B]“friends” is how I get to have you,
then[E]then "Sure."
I[B]I’ll be quiet in my pining,
[E]I won’t tell you about the pain,
[B]I’ll be silent in the night when
[E]I know that you’re asleep but I wanna ask you
if you’re a[B]awake
Verse 2:
So we’ll be f[B]friends,
and I’l[E]I’ll be okay,
the world [B]won’t end if you don’t love me,
even if it feels tha[E]that way
I[B]I’ll be quiet in my pining,
[E]I won’t tell you about the pain,
[B]I’ll be silent in the night when
[E]all I wanna do is tell you how pretty I thought
you looked to[B]today
I[B]I don’t know whеre the line is so,
I’ll s[E]stay on my sidе even when you’re not on yours
I[B]I’ll tread lightly in case I might be
[E]breaking a boundary we used to break before
Verse 3:
A[B]And so I’ll be your best friend,
simple as t[E]that,
[B]and when you play pretend
that things are the way they were,
I won’t flirt [E]back
N[B]No, I’ll be quiet in my pining,
[E]I won’t tell you about the pain,
[B]I’ll be silent in the night
when you [E]text me and ask
“Hey. Are you aw[B]awake?”
[E] [B]


Song information

Leanna Firestone BE US-UK
Vote rhythm