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Daisy Approved

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Tone: [Eb]
Verse 1:
Y[Eb]You don't wanna see me bratty
P[Abm]Pet the kitty, call me catty
M[Eb]Make your man call me daddy
H[Abm]He talk too much, he's too chatty -Yeah cool-
C[Eb]CEO, I'm savvy
R[Abm]Respect a xxxxx, I'm a maverick
F[Eb]Flexible, so elastic
B[Abm]But don't you dare bend a xxxxx backwards
x[Eb]xxxx a princess, I'm a king
B[Abm]Bow down and kiss on my ring
B[Eb]Being a xxxxx is my kink
W[Abm]What the xxxx else did you think?
x[Eb]xxxx a princess, I'm a king
B[Abm]Bow down and kiss on my ring
I[Eb]It's gonna hurt, it'll sting
S[Abm]Spitting up blood in the sink
I'[Eb]I'm crazy, but you like that, I bite back
Da[Abm]Daisies on your nightstand, never forget
I [Eb]blossom in the moonlight, screw eyes
Gl[Abm]Glacial with the blue ice, I'm terrifying
[Eb] [Abm]
Verse 2:
I'[Eb7]I'm no Cinderella, but I like the shoes
Bi[Abm]Big glass platforms, xxxxx, I'm choosy
Lo[Eb]Long blue hair, blue as a bruise
On[Abm]Only trust a fella for some light amusement
I'[Eb]I'm no prey, but I am pursued
Pr[Abm]Pray for me, Nana, on the church's pews
No[Eb]No xxxxstraction can confuse me
Wh[Abm]Whiskey in my hip flask, nothing fruity
xx[Eb]xxxx a princess, I'm a king
B[Abm]Bow down and kiss on my ring
Be[Eb]Being a xxxxx is my kink
W[Abm]What the xxxx else did you think?
xx[Eb]xxxx a princess, I'm a king
B[Abm]Bow down and kiss on my ring
It[Eb]It's gonna hurt, it'll sting
S[Abm]Spitting up blood in the sink
I'[Eb]I'm crazy, but you like that, I bite back
Da[Abm]Daisies on your nightstand, never forget
I [Eb]blossom in the moonlight, screw eyes
Gl[Abm]Glacial with the blue ice, I'm terrifying
I'[Eb]I'm crazy, but you like that, I bite back
Da[Abm]Daisies on your nightstand, never forget
I [Eb]blossom in the moonlight, screw eyes
Gl[Abm]Glacial with the blue ice, I'm terrifying
L[Eb]La, la, la
L[Abm]La, la, la
L[Eb]La, la, la
L[Abm]La, la
I[Eb]I'm terrifying
L[Abm]La, la, la
L[Eb]La, la, la
L[Abm]La, la, la
L[Eb]La, la
I[Abm]I'm terrifying


Song information

Ashnikko (Key Eb) (Link)
Ashnikko AbmEbEb7 Rap