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New Perspective - Noah Kahan
3 days ago

Chaise Longue Approved

This song is approved and moved to home page. Go to song
[G] [C] [G] [C]
[G]Mommy, daddy, look at [C]me
I [G]went to school and I got a de[C]degree
[G]All my friends call it "the big [C]D"
I [G]went to school and I got the big [C]D
[G]I got the big [C]D
[G]I got the big [C]D
[G]I got the big [C]D
I [G]went to school and I got the big [C]D [G] [C]
Verse 2
Is[G]Is your muffin buttered[C]buttered?
Would you [G]like us to assign someone to butter your[C]your muffin?
Ex[G]Excuse me (what?) [C]
Ex[G]Excuse me (what?) [C]
He[G]Hey you, over there[C]there
On[G]On the chaise longue in your under[C]underwear
[G]What are you doing sitting [C]down?
[G]You should be horizontal [C]now
[G] [C] [G] [C] [G] [C] [G] [C]
[G]On the chaise longue, on
the chaise longue, [C]on the chaise lon[G]longue
All day long, on the chaise [C]longue
[G]On the chaise longue, on the
chaise longue,[C]longue, on the chaise [G]longue
All day long, on the chaise [C]longue
Verse 3
Is your mother worried?
Would you like us to assign
someone to worry your mother?
Excuse me (what?)
Excuse me (what?)
Hey you, in the front row
Are you coming backstage after the show?
Because I've got a chaise longue in my dressing room
And a pack of warm beer that we can consume
[G] [C] [G] [C] [G] [C] [G] [C]
Pre Chorus
On the chaise longue, on the
chaise longue, on the chaise longue
All day long, on the chaise longue
On the chaise longue, on the
chaise longue, on the chaise longue
All day long, on the chaise longue
On the chaise longue, on the
chaise longue, on the chaise longue
All day long, on the chaise longue
On the chaise longue, on the
chaise longue, on the chaise longue
All day long, on the chaise longue
[G] [C] [G] [C] [G] [C] [G] [C]
Chorus 2
[G]On the chaise longue, on the
chaise longue, [C]on the chaise lon[G]longue
All day long, on the chaise [C]longue
[G]On the chaise longue, on the
chaise longue, [C]on the chaise lon[G]longue
All day long, on the chaise [C]longue
[G]On the chaise longue, on the
chaise longue, [C]on the chaise lon[G]longue
All day long, on the chaise [C]longue
[G]On the chaise longue, on the
chaise longue, [C]on the chaise lon[G]longue
All day long, on the chaise [C]longue
[G]All day long, all day long, on the chaise [C]longue
[G]All day long, all day long, on the chaise [C]longue
[G]All day long, all day long, on the chaise [C]longue
[G]On the chaise longue, all
day long, [C]on the chaise [G]longue


Song information

Wet Leg (Key G) (Link)
Wet Leg CG US-UK