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New Perspective - Noah Kahan
3 days ago

Freaks Approved

This song is approved and moved to home page. Go to song
Tone: [A]
[A] [F#m]
[A]Don't kill me just help me run a[F#m]away
From everyone I need a place to s[A]stay
Where I can cover up my [F#m]face
Don't cry I am just a f[D]freak
I am just a fr[A]freak
I am just a fr[D]freak
I am just a f[A]freak
[A] [F#m]
[A]My head is filled with paras[F#m]parasites
Black holes cover up my e[A]eyes
I dream of you almost every n[F#m]night
Hopefully I won't wake up this t[D]time
I won't wake up this t[A]time
I won't wake up this t[D]time
I won't wake up this [A]time
[A] [F#m]
end on A


Song information

Surf Curse (Key A) (Link)
Surf Curse ADF#m US-UK