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Moderate > Approval queue > Flower Shops

Waiting for approve

Oscar Winning Tears. - Raye - Mike Sabath, Rachel Keen
1 days ago
Bed Rest - Conan Gray - Conan Gray
1 days ago
The Cut That Always Bleeds - Conan Gray - Conan Gray
1 days ago

Flower Shops Approved

This song is approved and moved to home page. Go to song
Tone: [G]
Verse 1
It's a bea[G]beautiful day
She's been c[G]cryin' all night oh
There's te[Am7]tears in her blues
and blo[Am7]bloodshot in mine
This b[D/F#]bender's been bending
its hel[D/F#]hellbound to break
my b[D/F#]baby's had all she can take
So mister I'll take some ro[Am7]roses [D/F#]
if you cut off the the th[G]thorns
she c[D/F#]can't take no m[Em7]more
I'll buy vio[Am7]violets and dasises
to hi[D/F#]hide all of the crazy
it's go[G]gonna take [D/F#]all you've [Em7]got
oh its a b[Am7]ad day for her
but a go[D/F#]od day for flower sho[G]ps
Verse 2
Well [G]I took some pills
She t[G]took the dogs
oh it's [Am7]all gone to hell
she's go[Am7]gone to her moms
Yeah and [D/F#]I took up
drinkin since s[D/F#]she took the time
To te[D/F#]tell me I took the best years of her life
So buddy I'll take some ro[Am7]roses [D/F#]
if you cut off the the th[G]thorns
she c[D/F#]can't take no m[Em7]more
I'll buy vio[Am7]violets and dasises
to hi[D/F#]hide all of the crazy
it's go[G]gonna take [D/F#]all you've [Em7]got
oh its a b[Am7]ad day for her but a
go[D/F#]od day for flower sho[G]ps [G#]
(Willie Nelson solo - late to the
party but just perfectly on time)
[Am7] [D/F#] [G] [D/F#] [Em7] [Am7] [D/F#] [G]
And I'll take all your ro[Am7]roses [D/F#]
if you cut off the the th[G]thorns
she c[D/F#]can't take no m[Em7]more
I'll buy vio[Am7]violets and dasises
to hi[D/F#]hide all of the crazy
it's go[G]gonna take [D/F#]all you've [Em7]got
oh its a b[Am7]ad day for love but
a g[D/F#]ood day for flower sh[G]ops


Song information

Ernest (Key G) (Link)
Ernest Am7D/f#Em7GG# US-UK
Slow Rock