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Waiting for approve

mad woman x no body, no crime - Taylor Swift - Taylor Swift
3 days ago
So Long, London x The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived - Taylor Swift - Taylor Swift
8 hours ago

What if i told you a story Approved

This song is approved and moved to home page. Go to song
Verse 1
I kn[C]ow that I have m[F]ade mis[C]takes
Like when I intr[C]oduced you a[F]s a fri[C]end
And I pr[C]ay to God it's[F] not too[C] late
As I'm dre[C]aming wide a[F]wake ag[C]ain
Yeah, we g[C]got so close [F]I couldn't [C]see
Laug[C]hing while we pa[F]inted my r[C]oom, yeah
And a[C]all along the jo[F]joke's on [C]me
Now you're ha[C]ppier with som[F]eone n[C]ew
Wh[F]What if I t[G]told you a story
A[C]All about some[G]someone who loves you
And w[F]hat if I told you he's s[G]orry he made you[Am] wait
And wh[F]at if I t[G]old you
he's dying 'cause he c[E]an't change hist[Am]ory
And wh[F]what if I told y[G]you that someone was [C]me
Verse 2
When I c[C]all you l[F]ate, I know he's[C] there
But you st[C]ill pick up and le[F]ave the b[C]ed
Yo[C]u speak low so h[F]e can't h[C]ear
And it giv[C]es me hope there's some[F]thing le[C]ft
W[F]What if I [G]told you a story
A[C]All about so[G]someone who loves you
And wh[F]at if I t[G]old you he's sorry he made you[Am] wait
And w[F]hat if I to[G]ld you he's
dying 'cause he ca[E]n't change hist[Am]ory
And wh[F]what if I to[G]told you that someone was [C]me
Verse 3
And when[F]when you ask me who I'm seeing now
I wanna say it's [G]you I'm thinking about
I'm tryna find the[Am]the words somehow
To say the things [Am]that I never said
I'd do w[F]whatever it takes, I need to [G]know what'd you say
Cause you've go[Am]got a hold on me, yeah, you g[Am]got a hold of me
W[F]What if I to[G]told you a story
Al[C]All about someo[G]someone who loves you
And wh[F]at if I t[G]old you he's sorry he made you w[Am]ait
And wh[F]at if I t[G]old you he's
dying 'cause he c[E]an't change hi[Am]story
And wh[F]at if I to[G]ld you that someone wa[C]s me
Verse 4
I'[F]I'm ready to te[G]tell you a story
I [C]am some[G]somebody who loves you
I [F]wanna tell you I'm sorr[G]sorry [Am]
And d[F]darling just li[G]listen don't worry
We could go dow[E]down in his[Am]history
W[F]hy don't you l[G]et your somebody be m[C]e?


Song information

Shawn Mendes (Key C) (Link)
Shawn Mendes AmCEFG Pop
Vote rhythm