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Glycerine - Bush - Bush
2 days ago

Motion Sickness Approved

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Tone: [C]
Capo: 1
(Verse 1)
[F]I hate you for what yo[C]you did
And I [F]miss you like a little[C]little kid
I [Am]faked it every[C]every time but that's [G]alright
I can [F]hardly feel anything
I hardly feel anything at all [G] [C]
(Verse 2)
You gave me [F]fifteen hun[C]hundred
To see your[F]your hypnother[C]hypnotherapist
I only [Am]went one[C]one time
You let it [G]slide
Fell on [F]hard times a year ago
Was hoping you would let it go and you did [G] [C]
[F]I have [C]emotiona[G]emotional motion sickne[F]sickness
Somebody [Am]roll the[Em]the windows[F]windows down
There are no [C]words in the [G]English language[Dm]language
I could scream to [F]drown you out
(Verse 3)
I'm on the[F]the outside looking[C]looking through
You're th[F]throwing rocks around your[C]your room
And while you'r[Am]e bleeding on your[C] back in the g[G]lass
I'll be [F]glad that I made it out
And sorry that it all went down like it did [G] [C]
[F]I have [C]emotiona[G]emotional motion sickne[F]sickness
Somebody [Am]roll the[Em]the windows[F]windows down
There are no [C]words in the [G]English language[Dm]language
I could scream to [F]drown you out
And why do you[C]you sing [G]with an Englis[F]English accent
I guess it's too [Am]late to[Em]to change it[F]it now
You know I'm [C]never gonna[G]gonna let you have it[Dm]it
But I will try to [F]drown you out
[G] [Am] [F]
[G] [Am] [F] [G] [Am] [F] [G]
You said when you met me you were bored
You s[Am]said [F]when you met me[G] yo[Am]u we[F]re bor[G]ed
And you you were [Dm]in a band when[F]when I was b[D]born
[F]I have[C] emotion[G]al motion sickn[F]ess
I try to stay [Am]clean;[Em]clean; you live[F]live without
And I [C]want to know[G]know what would happe[Dm]happen
If I [F]surrender to the sound
Surrender to the sound


Song information

Phoebe Bridgers AmCDDmEmFG US-UKPop
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