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Through The Valley (THE LAST OF US 2 Official Trailer) Approved

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Capo 4
[Em] [Am7] [Em] [Badd4]
[Em] [Am7] [Em] [Badd4] [Em]
(Verse 1)
I [Em]walk through the valley of th[Am7]the shadow of death.
And I'll[Em]I'll fear no evil because I'm[Badd4]I'm blind to it all.
And my m[Em]mind and my gun they comfort [Am7]me,
because I k[Em]know I'll kill my e[Badd4]enemies when they [Em]come.
(Verse 2)
Surely [Em]goodness and mercy will follow me all the[Am7]the days of my life,
and I will [Em]dwell on this earth foreve[Badd4]forevermore.
Said I'll w[Em]walk beside the still waters and they [Am7]restore my soul,
but I can't w[Em]alk on the path of the[Badd4] right because I'm[Em] wrong.
(Verse 3)
Well I [Em]came upon a[Em7]a man at the top of [Am7]a hill,
[Em]call himself the[Em7]the savior of the huma[Am]human race.
Said he'd [Em]come to save the[Em7] world from d[Am7]estruction a[Am]nd pain,
but I said [Em]how can you save the[Badd4]the world from [Em]itself.
[Em] [Em7] [Am7] [Am] [Em] [Em7] [Badd4/F] [Badd4]
[Em] [Em7] [Am7] [Am] [Em] [Em7] [Badd4/F] [Badd4] [Em]
(Verse 4)
'Cause I [Em]walk through the[Em7]the valley of th[Am7]the shadow of death.
I [Em]fear no[Em7]no evil because I'[Badd4]I'm blind.
I [Em]walk beside the still[Em7]still waters and they r[Am7]restore [Am]my soul,
but I [Em]know when I[Badd4]I die my soul i[Em]is damned.


Song information

Various Artists (Key G#m) (Link)
Shawn James AmAm7Badd4Badd4/FEmEm7 US-UKGames
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