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You Are My Sunshine Approved

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Tone: [D]
You are my [D]sunshine
My only [D]sunshine
You make me [G]happy
When skys are [D]grey
You'll never [G]know, dear
How much [D]i love you [G]
Please dont [D]take my [A]sunshine [D]away
e|------------------2--| B|------------------3--| G|------------------2--| D|---------------------| A|--0--2--3--2---------| D|--------------3---0--|
(Verse 1)
The other [D]night dear,
While i lay [D]sleeping
I dreamed i [G]held you
Here in my [D]arms
When i [G]awoke, dear
I was [D]mistaken [G]
And i [D]held my [A]head and i [D]cried
e|------------------2--| B|------------------3--| G|------------------2--| D|---------------------| A|--0--2--3--2---------| D|--------------3---0--|
You are my [D]sunshine
My only [D]sunshine
You make me [G]happy
When skys are [D]grey
You'll never [G]know, dear
How much [D]i love you [G]
Please dont [D]take my [A]sunshine [D]away
(Verse 2)
I'll always [D]love you
And make you [D]happy
If you will [G]only
Say the [D]same
But if you [G]leave me
To love [D]another [G]
You'll [D]regret it [A]all, some[D]someday
e|------------------2--| B|------------------3--| G|------------------2--| D|---------------------| A|--0--2--3--2---------| D|--------------3---0--|
You are my [D]sunshine
My only [D]sunshine
You make me [G]happy
When skys are [D]grey
You'll never [G]know, dear
How much [D]i love you [G]
Please dont [D]take my [A]sunshine [D]away
Please dont [D]take
my [A]sunshine [D]away [G]


Song information

Morgane Stapleton ADG US-UKJazz