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No One Else Like You Approved

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Tone: [Bm]
[Gmaj7] [Dmaj] [A] [Em7]
[Bm]Is everything just ri[A]right
[A]Don't want
you thinking that I'm [Em7]in a hurry
[Bm]I won't stay afr[A]afraid
[A]I had this vision
that has [Em7]got me worried
'Cause e[Gmaj7]everyone wants s[Dmaj7]someone
That's o[A]one cliché that's t[Em7]true
E[Gmaj7]Except you I want[Dmaj7]want no one
Un[A]Unless that someone's [Em7]you
And looks like [Gmaj7]you
And feels like [Dmaj7]you
And smiles like y[A]you
I want so[Em7]someone just like [Gmaj7]you
Through and t[Dmaj7]through
I'm forever b[A]blue
Because there's [Em7]no one else like
[Bm]I hope that you're not b[A]bad
[A]You always said you
want a [Em7]man of passion
[Bm]I'm not the hottest l[A]left
[A]There's more than
likin' ph[Em7]physical attraction
You [Gmaj7]got your special s[Dmaj7]someone
Bet[A]Between me and you guess [Em7]who
Been sp[Gmaj7]spending my whole life w[Dmaj7]waiting
For som[A]someone just [Em7]you
And looks like [Gmaj7]you
And feels like [Dmaj7]you
And smiles like y[A]you
I want so[Em7]someone just like [Gmaj7]you
Through and t[Dmaj7]through
I'm forever b[A]blue
Because there's [Em7]no one else like
I [Gmaj7]want you in my heart
I [Dmaj7]see you in my dreams
I k[A]know I make you mad
As c[Em7]crazy as it seems
Just [Gmaj7]you, ye[Dmaj7]yes you, yes y[A]you
I need so[Em7]someone just like[Gmaj7]like you
Love me [Dmaj7]true
I'm Forev[A]Forever blue
'Cause there's [Em7]no one else
There's[Gmaj7]There's no one else
There's [Dmaj7]no one else
There's [A]no one else
There's [Em7]no one else
There's[Gmaj7]There's no one else
There's[Dmaj7]There's no one else
I n[A]need your he[Em7]help
'Cause you're so [Gmaj7]far [Dmaj7]
You're so f[A]far [Em7]
'Cause you're so [Gmaj7]far [Dmaj7]
You're so f[A]far [Em7]
'Cause you're so [Gmaj7]far [Dmaj7]
'Cause you'[A]you're so[Em7]so far
'Cause you're so [Gmaj7]far [Dmaj7]
You're so f[A]far [Em7]
You're so [Gmaj7]far [Dmaj7]
You're so f[A]far [Em7]


Song information

Adam Levine (Key Bm) (Link)
Adam Levine ABmDmajDmaj7Em7Gmaj7 US-UK
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