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Harlem Approved

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Tone: [A7]
[A7]Summer night in Harlem, man it's really hot!
Well it's[A7]it's too hot to sleep and too hot to eat
I don't ca[A7]care if I die or not!
[Bb7]Winter night in Harlem, oh oh radiator won't get hot
And that[Bb7]that mean ole landlord
[Bb7]He don't care if I freeze to death or not!
[B7]Saturday night in Harlem, ah every thing's alright
You can[B7]can really swing and shake your pretty thing
The[B7]The parties are out of sight
[C7]Sunday morning here in Harlem, now every body's all dressed up
The[C7]The heathen folk just getting home from the party
And the[C7]the good folk just got up
Our[C7]Our crooked delegation wants a donation
To send the[C7]the preacher to the holy land
Hey hey[C7]hey lord, honey don't give your money to that lying, cheating man
[Db7]Saturday night in Harlem, ah every thing's alright
You can[Db7]can really swing and shake your pretty thing
The[Db7]The parties are out of sight
[D7]Sunday morning here in Harlem, now every body's all dressed up
The[D7]The heathen folk just getting home from the party
And the[D7]the good folk just got up
Our[D7]Our crooked delegation wants a donation
To send the[D7]the preacher to the holy land
Hey hey[D7]hey lord, honey don't give your money to that lying, cheating man


Song information

Bill Withers (Key A7) (Link)
Bill Withers A7B7Bb7C7D7Db7 US-UK
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