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mad woman x no body, no crime - Taylor Swift - Taylor Swift
2 days ago

10 - Death Breast Approved

This song is approved and moved to home page. Go to song
Tone: [Em]
Capo: 4
Fever r[D]rest
Fever r[Am]rest
I cut you [Em]in
Fever [Am]rest
I've been sleeping in a st[Em]stable, mate
Not gonna do you no f[D]favors
What I got is seen you [Am]trying
Or take it down the old lanes a[Em]around
Darling don't make [Am]love, fight it
[Am]Love, don't fight it
[Am]Love, don't fight it
Well I'll wrap you[Em]you up
And I take it by the [D]touch
Darling don't a fa[Am]failure fright
Times the [Em]raker
And I'll rack i[D]it up
I'm unorphaned in our [Am]northern lights
Dedicoding every [Em]daemon
Taken in the [D]tall
grass of the mountain cable
And I c[Am]cannot seem to find I'm able
[C] [Em]


Song information

Bon Iver (Key G#m) (Link)
Bon Iver AmCDEm US-UK
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