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Bigger Than The Beatles Approved

This song is approved and moved to home page. Go to song
Tone: [G]
[G] [D] [C] [D]
Verse 1
[G]He plays guit[D]guitar [C]at a hotel ba[D]bar
[G]For out-of-to[D]wne[Em]rs and busine[C]ssmen
[G]He struts and sin[D]gs to his d[C]rum machin[D]e
But he w[G]on't make it b[D]ig at the Hol[C]iday [G]Inn
[D]But she thinks that he l[C]looks like E[G]Elvis
When he r[C]runs his fin[G]fingers through that [D]jet black hair [C] [D]
[D]And sometimes she forg[C]forgets an [G]order
Cause she's s[C]so struck [G]by him that she [D]stops and stares
[G]They got a l[D]ove bi[C]gger than the[D] Beatles
[G]Wild and [D]free like the [Em]Rolling Ston[C]Stones
[G]They got a love[D]love takes 'em [C]higher than t[D]the Eagles
[G]Ain't [D]life such a [C]sweet, sweet song
[G]Na na na[D]na na na, [C]na na na [D]na na
[G]Na na n[D]a, ye[C]ah ye[G]ah yeah
Verse 2:
[G]She pours some [D]drinks,[C]drinks, loads up the [D]sinks
[G]And dreams of[D] be[Em]in' a movie s[C]tar
[G]Her mama sa[D]said [C]she'd knock 'em d[D]dead
[G]But Holly[D]Hollywood hasn't c[C]called so [G]far
[D]But he thinks that she's [C]pretty as a [G]picture
When she [C]wipes down [G]tables in her apro[D]apron strings[C]strings [D]
[D]And sometimes he forg[C]forgets the[G]the chorus
Cause she's [C]shining like a [G]beauty on the [D]silver screen
[G]They got a l[D]ove bi[C]gger than the[D] Beatles
[G]Wild and [D]free like the [Em]Rolling Ston[C]Stones
[G]They got a love[D]love takes 'em [C]higher than t[D]the Eagles
[G]Ain't [D]life such a [C]sweet, sweet song
[G]Na na na[D]na na na, [C]na na na [D]na na
[G]Na na n[D]a, ye[C]ah ye[G]ah yeah
No you w[Em]won't find their names on the w[C]walk of fame
But t[G]they ain't missin' m[D]much
'Cause when the li[Em]lights go down on t[C]tinsel town
A[G]All you need is l[D]love
[G]They got a l[D]ove bi[C]gger than the[D] Beatles
[G]Wild and [D]free like the [Em]Rolling Ston[C]Stones
[G]They got a love[D]love takes 'em [C]higher than t[D]the Eagles
[G]Ain't [D]life such a [C]sweet, sweet song
[G]Na na na[D]na na na, [C]na na na [D]na na
[G]Na na n[D]a, ye[C]ah ye[G]ah yeah
[G]ye[D]ah[C] y[D]eah yeah yeah


Song information

Joe Diffie (Key G) (Link)
Joe Diffie CDEmG US-UK
Vote rhythm