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mad woman x no body, no crime - Taylor Swift - Taylor Swift
2 days ago

Nostalgia In My Bedroom Approved

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Tone: [C]
[C] [Am] [C] [Am] [D] [Dm]
[C] [Am] [C] [Am] [D] [Dm]
[C] [Am] [C] [Am] [D] [Dm]
[C]Every night you sacrifice your s[Am]soul
[C]Just to keep the ones you love m[Am]most close
[D]Nothing ever comes back from it
[Dm]Don't you wonder why nobody else can see i[C]it
Everybody says breathe, but the [Am]deeper I breathe
The more bugs[C]bugs fly down my throat [Am]
[D]Probably got a little nest down in my stomach
[Dm]And they're turning into butterflies
[C]Everybody scares me but [Am]you-oo-oo-o[Em]you-oo-oo-oooo
[F]Nobody scares me but [Am]you oo oo [G]oo
[C]You're pretty scary or m[Am]maybe I'm ju[Em]just a pansy
[F]That's pretty likely but I r[Am]really really miss
Yeah I real[G]really really miss you
[C] [Am] [C] [Am] [C] [Am] [C] [Am]
[C]My friend gave me a piece of hon[Am]honeycomb steel
And I ke[C]kept it in my bedroom for th[Am]three whole years
But my m[D]mum cleaned my room and she t[Dm]threw it away
Little th[C]things that remind me of be[Am]better days
They make me sm[C]smile for a while then it g[Am]goes away
[D] Nos[Dm]Nostalgia in my BedRoom
[C] [Am] [C] [Am]
[C]Everybody scares me but [Am]you-oo-oo-o[Em]you-oo-oo-oooo
[F]Nobody scares me but [Am]you oo oo [G]oo
[C]You're pretty scary or m[Am]maybe I'm ju[Em]just a pansy
[F]That's pretty likely but I r[Am]really really miss
Yeah I real[G]really really miss you [F]
Yeah I re[Am]really really miss
Yeah I re[G]really really miss you


Song information

Cavetown (Key C) (Link)
Cavetown AmCDDmEmFG US-UK
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