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Dead Of Night Approved

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Tone: [A]
[A] [F#m] [A/C#] [E]
[A]If I ascend He[F#m]Heavens You’re there
If I [A/C#]make my bed in Sh[E]Sheol You’re with me
[A]If I arise on the [F#m]wings of the dawn
If I [A/C#]sink in the sea there Your h[E]hand will find me
[D]Ooh [F#m]
There is no d[A]deepest depths, hi[E]highest heights
[D]With You[F#m]You
Even the d[A]dark is light, d[E]dark is light
Dead of Night
[A]In the silence, In the d[C#m]darkest hour
When you can b[E]barely whisper
And there’s no p[D]place to hide
[A]Every ocean is just a [C#m]drop of water
Every d[E]desert a footstep
There’s no s[D]space too wide
[F#m]When you cry, when you
fall, when you hurt I’ll be with you
[A]Through it all in your tears
and your fears don’t you worry
[C#m]I am near, I am here, I’ll be there
With you in the [F#m]dead of night, dead
of night, dead of night, dead of night
You can st[E]stand on my sh[D]shoulders
In the v[E]valley of the sh[D]shadows
[A] [A/C#] [D] [F#m]
[A]Through the struggle
I am [C#m]fighting for you
Feel my h[E]heartbeat racing
I’m here [D]by your side
You can st[E]stand on my sh[D]shoulders
I will h[E]hold you here in the d[D]dead of
night, dead of night, dead of night


Song information

Leeland (Key A) (Link)
Leeland AA/c#C#mDEF#m US-UK
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