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Lion And The Lamb Approved

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Tone: [B]
[B] [C#m] [E]
He's c[B]coming on the clouds
Kings and kingdoms [C#m]will bow d[E]down
Every c[G#m]chain will break
As b[F#]broken hearts declare His pr[E]praise
For who can stop the Lord a[F#]almighty?
[B] Our God is the Lion, the L[F#]Lion of J[G#m7]Judah
He's roaring with power and f[F#]fighting our b[E]battles
Every knee will [F#]bow before Him
[B] Our God is the Lamb, the [F#]Lamb that was [G#m7]slain
For the sins of the world, His b[F#]blood breaks the c[E]chains
Every knee will [F#]bow before the Lion and the L[E]Lamb
Every knee will [F#]bow before Him
So [B]open up the gates
Make way before the [C#m]King of K[E]Kings
The [G#m]God who comes to save
Is h[F#]here to set the captives f[E]free
For who can stop the [F#]Lord almighty?
[C#m] Who can stop the L[B/D#]Lord almighty?
[E] Who can stop the L[F#]Lord almighty?


Song information

Leeland (Key B) (Link)
Leeland BB/D#C#mEF#G#mG#m7 US-UK
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