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Moderate > Approval queue > The Adventures Of Rain Dance Maggie

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Glycerine - Bush - Bush
3 days ago

The Adventures Of Rain Dance Maggie Approved

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Tone: [Em]
[Em] [C] [Em] [C]
[Em]Lipstick junkie be funky[C]funky all he want
sh[Em]she came back wearing a smil[C]smile
Lo[Em]Look-alike someone drug me
they wa[C]wanted to unplug me
[Em]No one in here is on t[C]trial
Its just a turn-around
[Em]And we go
well and w[Em]we go
Oh oh oh [E]oh
[Em]Tic-toc, I want to r[C]rock you like the 80s
Co[Em]Cock-blocking isn’t allow[C]allowed.
[Em]Tug boat sheila is i[C]into memorabilia
[Em]Who said three is a [C]crowd?
We better get it on the go
[G]Hey, n[Em]now
We've gotta m[G]make it rain some[Em]somehow
[C]She told me too
And [Bm]show me what to do
Oh Ma[Am]Maggie makes it in her cl[D]cloud
I said , [G]hey, n[Em]now
We gotta [G]make it rain some[Em]somehow
[C]She told me too
And show [Bm]me what to do
She k[Am]knows how, to make it [D]loud
[Em]Rain dance maggie adva[C]advances to the final
[Em]Who knew that she had the[C]the goods?
[Em]Little did I know
her body was[C]was one delicious vinyl
[Em]To your neck of the[C]the woods
I want to lick a little bit
[G]Hey, n[Em]now
We’ve gotta [G]make it rain some[Em]somehow
[C]She told me too
And sho[Bm]show me what to do
Oh Maggie [Am]makes it in her cl[D]cloud
[Em] [C]
You got the w[Em]wrong gir[C]girl
But not for l[Em]long gir[C]girl
Its in a so[Em]song gir[C]girl
Cos I’ll be g[Em]gone gi[C]girl
[G]Hey, n[Em]now
We’ve gotta [G]make it rain some[Em]somehow
[C]She told me too
And sh[Bm]show me what to do
Oh Maggie [Am]makes it in her c[D]cloud
I said
[G]Hey n[Em]now
I want to ro[G]rock this valley c[Em]crowd
[C]She told me to
And tol[Bm]told me what to do
She kno[Am]knows how to make it[D]it loud
[Em]But[C]But n[Em]not [C]for longer
Its in a song girl
Cos I’ll be gone bye bye yeah
bye bye, girl
bye bye, girl


Song information

Red Hot Chili Peppers AmBmCDEEmG US-UKRock
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