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It's Not Right But It's Okay Approved

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Capo on 3rd fret
[Dm] [Am]
1. F[Dm]Friday night you and your boys went out to eat, [Am]oh.
The[Dm]Then they hung out, but y[Am]you came home around three.
If[Dm]If six of y'all went out, ah, then[Am]then four of you were really cheap,
'caus[Dm]'cause only two of you had dinner, I found your [Am]credit card receipt.
It's n[Dm]not right, but it's okay, I'm gon[Am]gonna make it anyway.
Pack yo[Dm]your bags up and leave,
don't y[Am]you dare come running back to me.
It's n[Dm]not right, but it's OK, I'm gonn[Am]gonna make it anyway.
Close the door[Dm]door behind you, leave your key,
I'd rather b[Am]be alone than unhappy.
2. I'll[Dm]I'll pack your bags so you can leave town for a week, y[Am]yes. I am.
Th[Dm]The phone rings, and[Am]and then you look at me.
Yo[Dm]You said it was one of your friends down[Am]down on 54th St.
So[Dm]So why did 213 show[Am]show up on your caller I.D.
I've been thr[Dm]through all of this before, so how could you th[Am]think,
that I would stand ar[Dm]around and take some more,
things are gonna ch[Am]change.
I've been thr[Dm]through all of this before, that's why you have to l[Am]leave,
So don't turn ar[Dm]around to see my face,
there's [Am]no more fears and tears for you to s[Dm]see.
3. Was it really worth you going out like th[Am]that, tell me!
See[Dm]See I'm moving on, and I[Am]I refuse to turn back .
See [Dm]all of this time I, I tho[Am]thought I had somebody down for me,
it t[Dm]turns out you we[Am]were making a fool of me.


Song information

Whitney Houston AmDm US-UK
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