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Glycerine - Bush - Bush
2 days ago

Ray Of Sunshine Approved

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Well sometimes the s[G]sun shines on other peoples h[Cadd9]houses and not mine,
And the cl[G]clouds paint the sky in a way that t[D]takes away my summertime,
And somehow the s[G]sun keeps shining upon you while I s[Cadd9]struggle to get by,
If there’s a l[G]ight in every[D]body send out your r[C]ay of [D]suns[G]hine. [C] [D] [G]
Verse 1-
I wanna w[G]walk the same roads as everybody else through
the t[Am]trees and past the gates. [B/C]
I’m getting h[C]high on heavenly breezes
and making new f[C]riends a[D]long the w[G]ay.
[G]I won’t ask much of nobody, I’m just h[Am]here to sing-a-long, [B/C]
And m[C]make my mistakes look gracious
and learn some l[C]essons f[D]rom my w[G]rongs.
But sometimes the s[G]sun shines on other peoples h[Cadd9]houses and not mine,
While the cl[G]clouds paint the sky all gray it t[D]takes away the summertime,
Somehow the s[G]sun keeps shining upon you, while I s[Cadd9]struggle to get by,
If there’s a l[G]ight in every[D]body send out your r[C]ay of s[D]uns[G]hine. [C] [D] [G]
Ohh if t[Em]this little light of mine combined with y[G]yours today.
How many watts could we l[C]luminate? How many villages c[G]could we save? [D]
If [Em]my umbrella is tired of the weather we[G]wearing me down,
Well l[C]look at me now. [Cm]
[G] [C] [B/C] [Am] [C] [D] [G]
Verse 2-
Well you should l[G]look as good as your outlook
would you m[Am]mind if I took some time, [B/C]
To s[C]soak up your light your beautiful light
you got a [C]para[D]paradise in[G]inside.
I get h[G]hungry for love and thirsty for life,
but m[Am]much too full on the pain, [B/C]
Cause when I l[C]look to the sky to help me
it most al[C]ways l[D]ooks like r[G]ain.
Sometimes the s[G]sun shines on other peoples h[Cadd9]houses and not mine,
While the cl[G]clouds paint the sky in a way that t[D]takes away my summertime.
Somehow the s[G]sun keeps shining upon you while I k[Cadd9]kindly stand by,
A little l[G]ight never hurt no[D]body so send down your r[C]ay of [D]suns[G]hine.
Hum over the chorus chords here.
Verse 3-
You’re undeniably w[G]warm, cerulean, your pe[Am]perfect in design, [B/C]
I hope you h[C]hang around… [D]
So the s[G]sun it can s[Cadd9]shine on me,
And the cl[G]clouds they can r[D]roll away.
And the s[G]sky can become our p[Cadd9]possibility,
If theres a l[G]ight in every[D]body send down your r[C]ay of [D]suns[G]hine.


Song information

Jason Mraz (Key G) (Link)
Jason Mraz AmBCCadd9CmDEmG US-UK
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