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Moderate > Approval queue > Please Don't Tell Her

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Please Don't Tell Her Approved

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[Intro:] [E] [C#m7] [G#m] [A] [B] [pause]
I hear she's k[E]kicking ass across
the board and rock two hundred thousand
highest s[C#m7]score and just in time to
save the world of being taken [G#m]over
[ A]she's a [B]warrior
I couldn't pl[E]play again because the game it never end it never even
la[C#m7]landed [ ]on the cann[G#m]cannon never let me in to spend my quarter
There’s no lo[A]love for [B]me no m[F#m]more
[F#m]Say it isn't s[B]so
how she easily co[G#m]come, and she easy [C#m7]go
please don't t[F#m]ell her that I’ve been meaning to mi[B]ss he[B]r [pause]
because I don[E]don't[C#m7]'t [G#m] [A] [B]
She was the [E]girl with the broadest shoulders
but she would d[C#m7]die before I crawled over th[G#m]them
she is ta[A ]taller tha[B]than I am
[E]She knew I wouldn't mind the view there
or the [C#m7]altitude with a mouth full of a[G#m]air
she let me down and doubt came o[A]out until the n[B]now became later
[F#m]Say that it isn't [B]so
how she easily c[G#m]come, how she easy [C#m7]go
Please don't [F#m]tell her cause she don't r[B]really need to know [pause]
that I’m [E]crazy like the r[C#m7]rest of u[G#m]us [A] [B]
and I’m cr[E]azier when I’m n[C#m7]ext to h[G#m]er [A] [B]
[E] [C#m7] [G#m] [A] [B]
So w[E ]hy after the[ ] al[C#m7]l of everything
that came and went I care enough to
still be singing of the bitter end and broken e[G#m]eras
I t[A ]told you [B]I don't but
I am o[E ]only trying to [C#m7]be the best with
my intent to cure the rest is sure to
I'll aim to ease the plural hurts of the words [G#m]of reverse[A]reverse psych[B]psychology
That’s e[F#m]easier said[B]said
[G#m]Easier than do[C#m7]done
Please don't [F#m]dare to tell her what I’ve bec[B]become
Please don't [G#m]mention all the at[C#m7]attention I have drawn
Please don't [F#m]bother cause she'll feel g[B]guilty when I’m gone [pause]
Because I’m c[E]razy like the r[C#m7]est of u[G#m]s [A] [B]
But I’m c[E]razier when I’m ne[C#m7]xt to h[G#m]er [A] [B]
And it's [E]amazing how she's[C#m7]she's so self-assur[G#m]self-assured [A] [B]
But I k[E]know she'd hate me if she [C#m7]knew my words
Do I [G#m]hurt anymore?
Do I h[A]hurt? W[B]Well, [pause]
Well I [E]don't [C#m7]
Well I d[G#m]don't [A] [B]
Well I [E]don't


Song information

Jason Mraz (Key E) (Link)
Jason Mraz ABC#m7EF#mG#m US-UK
Vote rhythm