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I Shot Your Dog Approved

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Well hello [G]neighbor
[G]I been meaning to [C]talk to you
[C]I been putting it[G]it off
[G]It's something I gotta[D]gotta do
[D]I been living with a[G]a secret
[G]Been keeping me [C]awake
Th[C]There's just somethi[G]something
[D]I gotta say[G]say
I shot your [C]dog
[C]He was on my [G]property
[G]I thought he was a [D]coyote on the ru[G]run
[G]I been missing som[C]some chickens
[C]So I pulled the[G]the trigger
[G]I feel so ba[D]bad
[D]'bout what I [G]done
You don't have to say [G]nothin'
[G]I can tell how you[C]you feel
[C]I'd feel the same [G]way,
[G]if it was m[D]me
[D]I'm awfully sorr[G]sorry
[G]If I could make it up to [C]you
[C]in any way[G]way
[D]Tell me what to [G]do
I shot your [C]dog
[C]He was on my [G]property
[G]I thought he was a [D]coyote on the ru[G]run
[G]I been missing som[C]some chickens
[C]So I pulled the[G]the trigger
[G]I feel so ba[D]bad
[D]'bout what I [G]done
[G]Gotta an old coon [C]hound
I[C]If it'll make you feel [G]better
[G]She's comin' in next[D]next week
[D]You get the pick of the[G]the litter
I shot your [C]dog
I shot your [G]dog
[G]I feel so ba[D]bad
[D]'bout what I [G]done


Song information

Fred Eaglesmith CDG US-UK
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