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Moderate > Approval queue > Something About December

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mad woman x no body, no crime - Taylor Swift - Taylor Swift
2 days ago

Something About December Approved

This song is approved and moved to home page. Go to song
[Dmaj7] [Bm] [x2]
[Dmaj7]Lights around the [Bm]tree
[Dmaj7]Mama's whis[Bm]whistling
Takes me back a[D7]again
[Bm]There's something bout[C]bout' December
[Dmaj7]We're hanging mist[Bm]mistletoe
[Dmaj7]And hoping that [Bm]it snows
I close my eyes And[D7]And then
I can still[C]still remember
[A]How to get back, [C]home
[D]Let all your memories
Hold you close
[D7]No matter where yo[G]you are
[D]You're not alone
Because the ones you l[D7]love
Are never [G]far
If C[C]Christmas is [A]in your h[D]heart [G]
[Dmaj7]Who really needs a[Bm]a gift
[Dmaj7]When love is meant [Bm]to give
I can still[D7]still recall
[Bm]Carry with me a[C]always
Every Christmas d[A]dream
They l[C]live in you and[A]and me
[D]Let all your memories
Hold you close
[D7]No matter where yo[G]you are
[D]You're not alone
Because the ones you l[D7]love
Are never [G]far
If C[C]Christmas is [A]in your h[D]heart [G]
[Dmaj7]Lights around the [Bm]tree
[Dmaj7]Mama's whis[Bm]whistling
Takes me back a[D7]again
[Bm]There's something bout[C]bout' December
[D]Let all your memories
Hold you close
[D7]No matter where yo[G]you are
[D]You're not alone
Because the ones you l[D7]love
Are never [G]far
If C[C]Christmas is [A]in your h[D]heart


Song information

Christina Perri ABmCDD7Dmaj7G US-UK
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