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Moderate > Approval queue > U Don't Get Me

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The Giver - Chappell Roan - Chappell Roan
22 hours ago

U Don't Get Me Approved

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[Am] [G] [F] [Am] [C] [F]
[Am] [G] [F] [Am] [C] [F]
[Am]You don't get me[G]me
So y[F]you don't get me
[Am]You don't get me[G]me
At a[F]all
[Am] I loved you in the worse way [G]
You couldn't make it to my birthday [F]
[F]And I heard you're doing okay
But I don't listen to the birds say[Am]say
I was so excited when you moved into my city[G]city
Now I'm only wishing that you'd up and leave my city [F]
C[F]Cause you used to be my city
Wish you'd never came to the cave, it's a pity[Am]pity
I can't drive without seeing your face
In a[G]all the windows of the spots at all our places [F]
[F]Asked my dad, "How long will it take?"
He said, "Maybe forever, but it will get better[Am]better
Give it some time, then maybe some more
[G]You simply got so much living in store"[F]store"
[F]I get it, she didn't get me, but my heart is sore
[F]Now I'm seeing what this distance is for
[Am]You don't get me[G]me
So y[F]you don't get me
[Am]You don't get me[G]me
At a[F]all
[Am] I love you in the worse way[G]way
Sent you flowers on your birthday [F]
[F]But I bet you didn't get them
I don't know your new dude's address or if you're with hi[Am]him
So you better leave a message[G]message
Cause if I see your number, I'll reject it[F]it
[F]And how am I supposed to get my rest in
If you keep testing, checking
in, hoping that I ain't blocked you ye[Am]yet
Saddest part is that you were a best friend to me[G]me
But now you're nothing more than enemy [F]
[F]Guess that means it wasn't meant to be
But that don't change our memories[Am]memories
You loved me first then convinced me it was right[G]right
When I was the just first to hold you through night[F]night
[F]So even though I tried, I tried
[F]Now I'm laying here cause I died, I died
[Am]You don't get me[G]me
So y[F]you don't get me
[Am]You don't get me[G]me
At a[F]all


Song information

Gnash (Key Am) (Link)
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