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Moderate > Approval queue > Hollywood Dreams/Come Down

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Glycerine - Bush - Bush
2 days ago

Hollywood Dreams/Come Down Approved

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Capo on 3rd fret
[C] [D] [C] [D] [C] [D]
I'm in a fo[C]four door d[D]down rodeo
I'm getting f[C]fucked up, I'm l[D]losing control
I'm bumping F[C]Fleetwood, she tryna t[D]turn off my song
She keep a[C]asking where the party at[D]at
I got a f[C]flask full of vodka in my p[D]passenger seat
My homie g[C]got a mansion says that we could c[D]crash it for free
We gotta t[C]take the phones because we can't let n[D]nobody see
We pop a p[C]ill since you ain't have[D] not a thing to e[C]at [D]
[C]Thunder only h[D]happens when it's r[C]raining
And p[C]layers only l[D]ove you when they're p[C]laying
Say w[C]omen, they will c[D]ome and they will g[C]o
Wh[C]en the rain wash[D]es you clean you will k[C]now [D]
You will k[C]know [D]
You will k[D]know [C]
You will k[Em]know [D]
You will k[D]know [C]
Cuz I got d[C]reams,[D] don't hold me d[C]own [D]
So I'mma let you f[C]ree,[D] don't wanna hold you o[C]ut
I'mma l[D]lea[D]eave when the sun comes
[C]Thunder only h[D]happens when it's r[C]raining
And p[C]layers only l[D]ove you when they're p[C]laying
Say w[C]omen, they will c[D]ome and they will g[C]o


Song information

Post Malone (Key Eb) (Link)
Post Malone CDEm US-UK
Vote rhythm