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mad woman x no body, no crime - Taylor Swift - Taylor Swift
2 days ago
So Long, London x The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived - Taylor Swift - Taylor Swift
4 hours ago

21St Century Breakdown Approved

This song is approved and moved to home page. Go to song
Capo 1
Verse 1:
[C] Born into Nixon I was[G]was raised i[F]in hell
[C] A welfare child where the[G]the teamster[F]teamsters dwelled
[C] The last one
born and the[G]the first one t[F]to run
[C] My town was blind from r[G]refiner[F]efinery sun
[Am] My generation is[F]is zero
[Am] I never made it as a[F]a working clas[G]class hero
Chorus 1:
[C]21st[G]21st centur[F]century breakdown
I o[C]once was lost
but [G]never[F]never was found
I [C]think I'm losing
[G]what's left of[F]of my mind
to the [C]20th[G]20th centur[F]century deadline
Verse 2:
[C] I was made of[G]of poison an[F]and blood
[C] Combination is[G]is what I [F]understood
[C] From Mexico to the[G]the Berli[F]Berlin Wall
[C] Homeland security could[G]could kill u[F]us all
(Repeat Refrain and Chorus 1)
[G]We are the cries of the class of '1[C]'13
[G]Born in the year of humilit[C]humility
[G]we are the desperate in the declin[C]decline
[G]Raised by the bastards of 19[C]1969 [x4]
Verse 3:
[C]My name is 'No one'
your [F]long[G]long los[C]lost son
[C]Born on the 4th of J[G]July
[C]Raised in the barnyards
of [F]he[G]he-roes an[C]and cons
[C]Left me for dead or [G]alive
Verse 4:
[C]There is a war that's
in[F]side[G] m[C]y head
That [C]questions the
results and [G]lies
I'm [C]breaking my back
till I'm [F]better[G]better of[C]off dead
We are [C]not payed
enough to sur[G]survive
Verse 5:
[C]I am an engine
[F] [G] [C] [G#] [worker] [G#] [pawn]
My [C]debt to the status[G]status quo
The s[C]scars on my hands
and a [F]means[G]means to a[C]an end
It's [C]all that I have to[G]to show
Verse 6:
I'm [C]taking a loan on my[F] s[G]a-[C]ni-ty
For the [C]redemption of my[G]my soul
well [C]I am exempt from this[F] tr[G]a-[C]ge-dy
And the [C]21st century[G]century fall
Chorus 2:
I [F]praise l[G]ib[C]erty t[F]he freedom[G] t[C]o o--bey
It's a [F]song that stra[G]strangle[C]ngles me
Well [F]don't cross[C]cross th[G]the line
Oh, [C]dream, [G/B]America[Am]American dream
I [G]can't even [F]sleep
from [G]rainstorms till[C]till dawn
Oh, [C]bleed, [G/B]Americ[Am]America bleed
Be[G]Believe what you[F]you read
from [G]heroes and cons


Song information

Green Day (Key C#) (Link)
Green Day AmBCFG US-UK
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