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Unkiss Me Approved

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Capo on 1st fret
[C] [Dm] [Am] [F]
[C]If you respect me[Dm]me, don't protect me
[Am]You can tell me[F]me, I can handle it
[C]Stop pretendi[Dm]pretending, cause we're going dow[Am]down [F]
[C]If you let go[Dm]go, then just let go
[Am]It's disrespectful[F]disrespectful how you've handled this
[C]Never ending[Dm]ending, kinda aro[Am]around [F]
I lie to my h[C]heart cause I thought you f[Dm]felt it
You can't light a f[Am]fire if the candle's melt[F]melted
No you don't have to l[C]love me if you don't wa[Dm]wanna
Don't act like I mean
no[Am]nothing, but if you're go[F]gonna
Well, when you're better o[C]off
[C]Unki[Dm]ss me,[Am] untou[F]ch me
[C]Unta[Dm]Untake this [Am]heart [F]
[C]And I'm [Dm]missing[Am]missing just o[F]one thing
[C]A br[Dm]brand new st[Am]start [F]
[C]Can't erase this,[Dm]this, can't delete this
[Am]I don't need this, [-]I can't handle it
[C]I just feel it,[Dm]it, that you're over u[Am]us [F]
[C]If I wait here,[Dm]here, if I see you
[Am]It won't matter, w[F]what's the point of this?
[C]We're in pieces[Dm]pieces, because you're over us [Am] [F]
I lie to my h[C]heart cause I thought you f[Dm]felt it
You can't light a f[Am]fire, if the candle's mel[F]melted
No you don't have to l[C]love me if you don't wa[Dm]wanna
Don't act like I mean
no[Am]nothing, but if you're go[F]gonna
Well, when you're better o[C]off
[C]Unki[Dm]ss me,[Am] untou[F]ch me
[C]Unta[Dm]Untake this [Am]heart [F]
[C]And I'm [Dm]missing[Am]missing just o[F]one thing
[C]A br[Dm]brand new st[Am]start [F]
Unkiss[C]Unkiss me [Dm] [Am] [F]
Unkiss[C]Unkiss me [Dm] [Am] [F]
[C]So baby let go[Dm]go, gotta let go
It's disr[Am]disrespectful,[F]espectful, I can't handle it
[C]Never ending,[Dm] kinda round aroun[Am]d, yea[F]h
[C]Unki[Dm]ss me,[Am] untou[F]ch me
[C]Unta[Dm]Untake this [Am]heart [F]
[C]And I'm [Dm]missing[Am]missing just o[F]one thing
[C]A br[Dm]brand new st[Am]start [F]
Unkiss[C]Unkiss me [Dm] [Am] [F]
Unkiss[C]Unkiss me [Dm] [Am] [F]
Unkiss[C]Unkiss me [Dm] [Am] [F]


Song information

Maroon 5 (Key C#) (Link)
Maroon 5 AmCDmF US-UK
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