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Freedom Approved

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[G#m] [D#m] [4x]
Ho[D#m]Hold on to me [G#m]
Do[D#m]Don't let me go [G#m]
Wh[D#m]Who cares what they see[G#m]see?
Wh[D#m]Who cares what they know[G#m]know?
Yo[D#m]Your first name is Fre[G#m]Free
La[D#m]Last name is Dom [G#m]
We[D#m]We choose to believ[G#m]believe
In[D#m]In whe[(mute)]where we're from [G#m]
M[D#m]Man's red flower [G#m]
I[D#m]It's in every living thing[G#m]thing
M[D#m]Mind, use your pow[G#m]power
S[D#m]Spirit, use your wi[G#m]wings
F[D#m]Freedom [G#m]
F[D#m]Freedom [G#m]
F[D#m]Freedom [G#m]
F[D#m]Freedom [G#m]
F[D#m]Freedom [G#m]
F[D#m]Freedom [G#m]
H[D#m]Hold on to me [G#m]
D[D#m]Don't let me go [G#m]
C[D#m]Cheetahs need to e[G#m]eat
R[D#m]Run, antelope [G#m]
Y[D#m]Your first name is King[G#m]King
L[D#m]Last name is Dom[G#m]Dom
C[D#m]Cause you still believ[G#m]believe
I[D#m]In everyone [G#m]
W[D#m]When a baby first breathe[G#m]breathes
W[D#m]When night sees sunris[G#m]sunrise
W[D#m]When the whale hunts in the s[G#m]sea
W[D#m]When man recognize[G#m]recognizes
F[D#m]Freedom [G#m]
F[D#m]Freedom [G#m]
F[D#m]Freedom [G#m]
F[D#m]Freedom [G#m]
F[D#m]Freedom [G#m]
B[D#m]Breathe in [G#m]
W[D#m]We are from heat [G#m]
T[D#m]The electric one [G#m]
D[D#m]Does it shock you to se[G#m]see
H[D#m]He left us the sun[G#m]sun?
A[D#m]Atoms in the air [G#m]
O[D#m]Organisms in the s[G#m]sea
T[D#m]The son and, yes, man[G#m]man
A[D#m]Are made of the same thing[G#m]things
F[D#m]Freedom [G#m]
F[D#m]Freedom [G#m]
F[D#m]Freedom [G#m]
F[D#m]Freedom [G#m]
F[D#m]Freedom [G#m]
F[D#m]Freedom [G#m]
F[D#m]Freedom [G#m]
F[D#m]Freedom [G#m]


Song information

Pharrell Williams D#mG#m US-UK
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