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mad woman x no body, no crime - Taylor Swift - Taylor Swift
3 days ago
So Long, London x The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived - Taylor Swift - Taylor Swift
9 hours ago

Words Approved

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Capo 7
[G]Well the first time that I saw her
[C]Standing in the middle of the [G]road
[C]Eyes as bright as [G]Christmas lights
[G]Wearing someone else’s cl[D]clothes
[G]I did my best to ignore her
But [C]Ignoring my best pretty [G]soon
[C]Spent the night all [G]tangled tight
In an a[D]armchair in my [C]friends front [G]room.
I said [C]darling you know, [D]darling you know I cant [G]stay.
Cause I’ve g[Bb]iven my heart and my w[C]ord to a girl far aw[G]ay. [G/F#]
[G]I fell weak, as she k[Bm]issed
my cheek, and si[C]ghed when I heard her s[Cm]ay
Never k[Em]knew I could [D]get my heart [C]broken, in[D]in less than a [G]day.
[G]Oh and the next time that I saw her,
[C]Must have been a year or [G]more.
[C]Face stained with [G]mascara
[G]Shivering outside my [D]door
[G]I did my best to assure her,
But a[C]assurance ain’t easy to [G]give
[C]You've never been sure of [G]anything much
[D]You get less so the [C]longer you [G]live
I said [C]darling you know, [D]darling you know I cant [G]stay.
Cause I’ve g[Bb]iven my heart and my w[C]ord to a girl far aw[G]ay. [G/F#]
[G]I spoke soft, preten[Bm]pretended to cough
[C]Inside when I heard her [Cm]say.
[Em]Never knew I could ge[D]t my heart br[C]oken in so[D] many w[G]ays
[C]Oo[C]Ooooh [G]ohh[G]ohhhh [C]oh[C]hh [G]oh[G]h
[G]Well the last time that I saw her
[C]Standing in the pouring [G]rain
[C]Hair looked a little [G]shorter
[G]Everything else looked the[D]the same
[G]I coulda told her that I adored her
S[C]She coulda said she felt the s[G]same way
[C]We just smiled cause so[G]metimes
words a[D]ren’t the rig[C]ht words to s[Em]ay
[C]We just smiled cause so[G]metimes
words a[D]ren’t the rig[C]ht words to s[G]ay


Song information

Passenger (Key D) (Link)
Passenger BbBmCCmDEmF#G US-UK
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