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Moderate > Approval queue > The Long Road

Waiting for approve

The Long Road Approved

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Capo on 7th fret
[G] [D] [Am] [C] [Em]
[G]We've walked the long road and you've worn it well.
You stitched yourself up when you fel[C]fell.
K[Am]Keep your memories in jars,
[D]Carry secrets in scars
Beneath your shell[G]shell.
[G]You've seen some good days, and some bad ones too.
You weave through fashion and trend[C]trend.
[Am] You've seen a sun rise on an oc[D]ocean blue,
You[G]You've seen it set for the dearest of friends
[G] You found faith but yo[D]you, c[Am]chose to [D]doubt it.
[G] You found love but you[Em]you, left without it.
[C]And now you don[D]don't want, to talk about it.
[G]You travelled down through foreign lands,
Touched mountain tops and golden sand,
Seen pyramids and temples made of stone. [C]
K[Am]Keep seashells in a cashmere scarf,
[D]A treasured book of photographs
[G]In every single one you stand alone.
[G]You've seen Vienna and the Berlin wall,
As you watched the decades fall
The letters that you wrote never made it home.[C]home.
[Am]Your birthdays flew past like June,
[D]With Christmas days in hotel rooms
[G]And new year’s eve with people you don't know.
[C] You built friendships but th[D]they, sa[Am]sailed without [D]you.
[G] You never meant it and that's w[Em]why, they doubt you.
[C]They don'[D]don't ever talk about you.
[Am]You're older than you used to be,
[D]The mirror weaves a tapestry
[G]Of lines that dance and sh[Bm]shimmer 'round your eyes. [Em]
[Am]You stare back at a man, fore[D]forever holding out his hand
[Bm]As if the answer's gonna to f[G]fall out of the sky. [Em]
[Am]But the penny never dropped,
[Bm]And no [C]man has [D]ever stopped time f[G]flying by.


Song information

Passenger (Key D) (Link)
Passenger AmBmCDEmG US-UK
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