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I Found A Boy Approved

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I thought I [A]told you, he'd be home[E]home soon
Couldn't help m[A]myself, you're too good to be[E]be true.
I fall short each [A]time, every time he ain't h[E]here,
You and your charm creep cl[A]closer, closer in he[E]here.
Like a fool for fire [F#m]I fall, with my pride and [D]all.
Like a bomb before exp[B7]explosion,
Ticking by your c[E]call.
You're the w[A]wiser one, disguised from g[E]greed,
And I'm just a [F#m]child who belongs on her [D]knees. [E]
But [D]I found a boy who [C#]I love more,
Than [F#m]I ever did you before,
So s[D]stand beside the ri[C#]river I cried,
And [F#m]let yourself d[D]down. [Bm]
Look how you want me now that I don't need [A]you. [E]
So, you th[A]thought that I would crumble to my kn[E]knees
At the first si[F#m]sight of you, crawling back to [D]me
To w[E]whisper 'will you l[F#m]leave your man?'
Cause you sweared that [D]this time you can sta[E]stand by me. [A]
I won't stand by [E]you.
But [D]I found a boy who [C#]I love more,
Than [F#m]I ever did you before,
So s[D]stand beside the river [C#]I cried,
And [F#m]let yourself do[D]down. [Bm]
Look how you want me now that I don't need y[F]you.
I ain't yours for no taking,[Dm6]taking,
You must be mistaken[E]mistaken
I could never look in your eyes, and se[A]settle for wrong
And ignore the right
But [D]I found a boy who lo[C#]loves me more,
Than [F#m]you ever did before,
So sta[D]stand beside the river you’[C#]you’ll cry,
And [F#m]let yourself d[D]down. [Bm]
Look how you w[A]want me now that [E]I don't need y[A]you.


Song information

Adele (Key A) (Link)
Adele AB7BmC#DDm6EFF#m US-UK
Vote rhythm