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As It Seems - Lily Kershaw - Lily Kershaw
12 hours ago

Telegraph Ave Live Approved

This song is approved and moved to home page. Go to song
I don't re[Dm]really want to drive
But I t[Am]think I'd rather die
In Oa[Dm]Oakland, in Oa[Am]Oakland
With my h[Dm]hands on two and ten
So I g[Am]guess it all depends
On Oa[Dm]Oakland, on Oa[Am]Oakland
And I'm n[Dm]nervous, truth be told
I never [Am]saw me growing old
In O[Dm]Oakland, in Oa[Am]Oakland
And if I ma[Dm]married you tonight
It would pr[Am]probably start a riot
In Oa[Dm]Oakland, in Oa[Am]Oakland
Foot [Dm]on the gas
I'm just t[Am]tryna pass
All the [Dm]red lights
And the s[Am]stop signs
I'm r[Dm]ready to go


Song information

Billie Eilish (Key Dm) (Link)
Billie Eilish AmDm US-UK
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