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Aftermath Approved

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[A E]Have you lost y[B]your way?
Livin' in the sh[A ]shadow of th[C#m B]th
e message that you made
[A E]And so it[B]it goes
Everything ins[A ]inside your ci[C#m B]circle starts to overflow
[F#m A B]Take a step before you leap
[ F#m]Into the colors that you seek
[ ]You give[A B]give back what you give away
[ A]So don't look back on yesterday
Wanna scream out
[E]No more hiding
[B A]Don't be afraid of what's inside
[A E]Gonna tell ya you'll be alright
[B C#m]In the Aftermath
[A E ]Anytime anyone pulls you down
[B C#m ]Anytime any[B A]anyone says you're not allowed
[ C#m B]Just remember you are not alone
[ A]In th[E]the A[B]Aftermath
[A E]You feel the [B]weight
O[ A]Of lies and co[C#m ]contradictions that you live
with every da[B]day
I[A E]It's not to[B]too late
[ ]Think o[A C#m B]of what could be if
you rewrite the role you play
[F#m A B]Take a step before you leap
[ F#m]Into the colors that you seek
[ ]You give[A B]give back what you give away
[ A]So don't look back on yesterday
Wanna scream out
[E]No more hiding
[B A]Don't be afraid of what's inside
[A E]Gonna tell ya you'll be alright
[B C#m]In the Aftermath
[A E ]Anytime anyone pulls you down
[B C#m ]Anytime any[B A]anyone says you're not allowed
[ C#m B]Just remember you are not alone
In the Aftermat[A]Aftermath [E]h [B]
In the Aftermat[A]Aftermath [E] [B]
[A C#m ]Before you break you have
to change your own mind
[B ]Take a trip and fall into the pit
[A C#m B]Tell a stranger that they’re beautiful
So all you f[A]eel is l[E]ove, lov[B]e
All you [A E]feel is lov[B]love, love
[A]Wanna scream out
[E]No more hiding
[B ]Don't be afraid of what's inside
[A E]Wanna tell ya you'll be alright
[B C#m]In the Aftermath
[A]Wanna scream out
[E]No more hiding
[B A]Don't be afraid of what's inside
[A E]Wanna tell ya you'll be alright
[B C#m]In the Aftermath
[A E ]Anytime anyone pulls you down
[B C#m ]Anytime any[B ]anyone say[A]says you're not allowed
[ C#m B]Just remember you are not alone
[ A]In th[E]the A[B]Aftermath
In the Aftermath[A]Aftermath [E] [B]
[A E]Gonna tell ya you'll be alright
[B C#m]In the Aftermath
[B C#m]In the Aftermath
[A ]Just reme[E ]remember yo[B]you are not alone
[ A]In the Aftermath


Song information

Adam Lambert (Key A) (Link)
Adam Lambert ABC#mEF#m US-UK
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