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Moderate > Approval queue > Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)

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Dancing With Our Hands Tied x It's Not Living (If It's Not With You) - Taylor Swift, The 1975 - Taylor Swift, The 1975
1 days ago
1000 Years - KT Tunstall, Bleu - Joel McNeely
Robyn B01
5 hours ago

Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) Approved

This song is approved and moved to home page. Go to song
[Bm] [A/C#] [D] [A] [G]
[Bm]You call me out [A/C#]upon the wa[D]ters The great u[A]nknown where feet may fa[G]il
[Bm]And there I find You[A/C#] in the m[D]ystery In oceans de[A]ep My faith will st[G]and
[G]And I will c[D]call upon Your n[A]name [G]And keep my e[D]yes above the [A]waves When oceans r[G]ise
My soul will r[D]est in your emb[A]race For I am Yo[G]urs and Y[(A)]ou are m[Bm]ine
[Bm] [A/C#] [D] [A] [Em/G]
[Bm]Your grace abounds in d[A/C#]eepest w[D]aters Your sovereign h[A]and Will be my gu[G]ide
[Bm]Where feet may fail and [A/C#]fear surro[D]unds me You've never f[A]ailed and you won't star[G]t now
[G]So I will ca[D]ll upon Your na[A]me A[G]nd keep my ey[D]es above the w[A]aves When oceans ri[G]se
My soul will r[D]est in your emb[A]race For I am Yo[G]urs and Y[(A)]ou are m[Bm]ine
[Bm] [A/C#] [D] [A] [Em/G] [Bm] [A/C#] [D] [A] [Em/G]
[Bm] [G] [D] [A] [Bm] [G] [D] [A]
[Bm]Spirit lead me where my tr[G]trust is without borders
Let me w[D]walk upon the waters Whereve[A]Wherever You would call me
[Bm]Take me deeper than my f[G]feet could ever wander
And my fa[D]faith will be made stronger In the p[A]presence of my Saviour x3
[G]Spirit lead me where my tr[D]trust is without borders
Let me wa[A]walk upon the waters Whereve[Em]Wherever You would call me
[G]Take me deeper than my f[D]feet could ever wander
And my fai[A]faith will be made stronger In the pr[Em]presence of my Saviour
[Bm]Spirit lead me w[A/C#]where my tr[D]trust is without borders
Let me w[A]walk upon the waters Wherev[Em]Wherever You would call me
[Bm]Take me deeper t[A/C#]than my fe[D]feet could ever wander
And my fa[A]faith will be made stronger In the p[Em]presence of my Saviour x2
[Bm] [A/C#] [D] [A] [Em] [Bm] [A/C#] [D] [A] [Em]
[G]I will c[D]call upon Your N[A]Name
[G]Keep my e[D]eyes above the w[A]waves
[G]My soul will [D]rest in Your em[A]embrace
I am Yo[G]Yours and [A]You are[Bm] min[A/C#]e [D] [A] [G] [Bm] [A/C#] [D]


Song information

Hillsong United ABmC#DEmG US-UK
Vote rhythm