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I Won't Give Up Approved

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Tuning: Standard
Capo 2
[Dsus4] [D] [Dsus4] [D] [Dsus4] [D] [Asus4] [A]
When I look into[Dsus4] your e[D]yes, It's like watching the[Dsus4] night sk[D]y,
Or a beautifu[Dsus4]beautiful sunri[D]sunrise. There's so much they [Asus4]hold. [A]
And just like the[Dsus4]m old st[D]ars, I see that you've[Dsus4] come so f[D]ar,
To be right wher[Dsus4]where you a[D]are. How old is your [Asus4]soul? [A]
I won't give [G]up on [D]us, even if the sk[Bm]skies get r[A]rough.
I'm giving you [G]all my l[D]love. I'm still looking[Asus4]looking up. [A]
And when you're needing[Dsus4] your sp[D]ace, to do som[Dsus4]e navig[D]ating,
I'll be here[Dsus4]here patiently w[D]waiting, to see what you [Asus4]find. [A]
'Cause even the st[G]ars they b[D]urn. Some even f[Bm]all to the e[A]arth.
We've got a l[G]ot to l[D]earn. God knows we're[Asus4] worth it.[A]
No, I won't give[Gmaj7]give up.
I don't w[Em]wanna be someone who walks away so easily
I'm here to stay and make the difference that [A]I can make.
Our d[Em]differences they do a lot to teach us how to use
The tools and gifts we got yeah, we got a l[A]lot at stake.
And in the [C]end, you're still my friend at least we did intend
For us to work we didn't break, we didn't burn.
[Em/C#]We had to learn how to bend without the world caving in.
[C]I had to learn what I've go[Em/C#]got, and what I'm not and who I [D]am.
I won't give [G]up on [D]us, even if the sk[Bm]skies get r[A]rough.
I'm giving you [G]all my l[D]love. I'm still looking[Bm7]looking up.
Still looking [A]up.
I won't give[G]give up on[D]on us (no I'm not... giving up)
God knows I'm t[Bm]tough en[A]enough (I am tough... I am loved)
We've got a l[G]lot to l[D]learn (we're alive... we are loved)
God knows we're w[A]worth it (and we're worth it)
I won't give [G]up on [D]us, even if the sk[Bm]skies get r[A]rough.
I'm giving you [G]all my l[D]love. I'm still looking [A]up.


Song information

Jason Mraz (Key E) (Link)
Jason Mraz AAsus4BmBm7CC#DDsus4EmGGmaj7 US-UK
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