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I Can't Make You Love Me Approved

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[F] [Am] [Am] [F] [F] [C] [Am] [G]
[F]Turn down the ligh[Am]lights;
[Am]Turn down the bed. [F]
[F]Turn down these voices[C]voices
[Am]Inside my head. [Dm]
[F]Lay down with me; [Am]
[Am]Tell me no lies. [F]
Ju[F]Just hold me close; [C]
[Am]Don't patronize. [Dm]
[Dm]Don't patronize me. [Gsus] [G]
Cause I can't
make you [F]love me [C]
If y[Dm]you don't.
You can't make y[F]your heart feel [C]
So[Am]Something it won't. [Am] [G]
[Am]Here in the dark[F]dark
In th[G]these final hours,[Am]hours,
I wi[Am]will lay down my heart [F]
A[G]And I'll feel the power; [Am]
But you don't.[Dm]don't.
No, you don't. [G]
Cause I can't[F]can't make you [C]love me
If you don't[Dm]don't.
[F] [Am] [Am] [F] [F] [C] [Am] [G]
[F]I'll close my eyes,[Am]eyes,
[Am]Then I won't see [F]
[F]The love you don't fe[C]feel
[Am]When you're holdin[G]holding me.
[F]Morning will come, [Am]
[Am]And I'll do what's right; [F]
[F]Just give me till then [C]
[Am]To give up this fight[G]fight.
[Dm]And I will give up this fight. [G]
Cause I can't[F]can't make you [C]love me
If y[Dm]you don't.
You can't make y[F]your heart feel [C]
So[Am]Something it won't. [Am] [G]
[Am]Here in the dark[F]dark
In th[G]these final hours,[Am]hours,
I wi[Am]will lay down my heart [F]
A[G]And I'll feel the power; [Am]
But you don't.[Dm]don't.
No, you don't. [G]
Cause I can't[F]can't make you [C]love me
If you don't[Dm]don't.
If you don't[F]don't.
[F] [Am] [Am] [F] [F] [C] [Am] [G]


Song information

Bon Iver (Key F) (Link)
Bon Iver AmCDmFG US-UK
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