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You Are My Sunshine Approved

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[A]The other night dear, as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I he[D]held you in my a[A]arms
But when I awo[D]awoke dear, I was [A]mistaken
And I hung my h[E]head and cr[A]cried
[A]You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me ha[D]happy when skies are g[A]gray
You'll never k[D]know dear, how much I lo[A]love you
Please don't take my sun[E]sunshine aw[A]away
[A]I'll always love you and make you happy
If you could [D]only say the s[A]same
But if you le[D]leave me, to love ano[A]another
Well you'll regret [E]it all some[A]someday
[A]You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me ha[D]happy when skies are g[A]gray
You'll never k[D]know dear, how much I lo[A]love you
Please don't take my sun[E]sunshine aw[A]away
[A]You told me once dear, that you really loved me
And no one els[D]else could come bet[A]between
Well now you've le[D]left me, and love an[A]another
You have shattered a[E]all my dr[A]dreams
[A]You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me ha[D]happy when skies are g[A]gray
You'll never kn[D]know dear, how much I l[A]love you
Please don't take my s[E]sunshine [A]away
Please don't take my s[E]sunshine [A]away


Song information

Kevin Devine (Key A) (Link)
Kevin Devine ADE US-UK
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