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Your Call Approved

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Capo on 1st fret
Tone Dm
[A#] [C] [Dm] [x2]
[A#] Waiting for your[C]your call, I'm si[Dm]sick, call I'm angry
call I'm d[A#]desperate for your v[C]voice
listen[Dm]listening to the song we used to s[A#]sing
In the c[C]car, do you rem[Dm]remember
Butterfly, Early Sum[A#]Summer
[C] [Dm] [A#] [Dm]
It's playing on repeat, Just like when we would meet
Like when we would[A#]would meet [C] [Dm]
I was [F]born[C]born to tell you I l[Dm]love you [A#]
and I am [F]torn[C] to do what I h[Dm]ave to, to m[A#]ake you mine
St[A#]Stay with me tonight
[A#] Stripped and poll[C]pollished, I am [Dm]new, I am fresh
I am fee[A#]feeling so amb[C]ambitious, you and [Dm]me, flesh to flesh
Because every br[A#]breath that you will t[C]take
while you are si[Dm]sitting next to me
will bring li[A#]life into my dee[C]deepest hopes, [Dm]What's your fantasy?
[A#] [C] [Dm] [C] [Dm]
What's your....(What's your, What's your..) What's your..
I was [F]born[C]born to tell you I l[Dm]love you [A#]
and I am [F]torn[C] to do what I h[Dm]ave to, to m[A#]ake you mine
S[A#]Stay with me tonight
[Dm] [C] [A#] [C]
And I'm[C]I'm tired of being [A#]all alone,
and this solitary moment makes me want to
come back h[C]home
And I'm[C]I'm tired of being [A#]all alone, and
this solitary moment makes me want to
come back h[C]home
And I'm[C]I'm tired of being [A#]all alone, and
this solitary moment makes me want to
come back h[C]home (I know everything you wanted isn't anything you have)
And I'm[C]I'm tired of being [A#]all alone, and
this solitary moment makes me want to
come back h[C]home (I know everything you wanted isn't anything you have)
I was [F]born[C]born to tell you I l[Dm]love you [A#]
and I am [F]torn[C]torn to do what I h[Dm]have to [A#]
I was [F]born[C]born to tell you I l[Dm]love you [A#]
and I am [F]torn[C]torn to do what I h[Dm]have to
I was [F]born[C]born to tell you I l[Dm]love you [A#] (I know
everything you wanted isn't anything you have)
and I am [F]torn[C]torn to do what I h[Dm]have to [A#] (I know
everything you wanted isn't anything you have)
I was [F]born[C]born to tell you I l[Dm]love you [A#] (I know
everything you wanted isn't anything you have)
and I am [F]torn[C]torn to do what I h[Dm]have to (I know
everything you wanted isn't anything you have)
To m[A#]ake you mine, S[A#]tay with me tonigh[A#]t...


Song information

Secondhand Serenade A#CDmF US-UK
Vote rhythm