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Remembering Sunday Approved

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Capo on 2nd fret
[Cadd9] [Em] [Cadd9] [A7]
[Cadd9] He woke up from dreaming and put on his[Em]his shoes
Started making his way pas[Cadd9]past two in the morning
He hasn't been sober for d[A7]days
[Cadd9] Leaning now into the breeze
[D] Remembering Sunday he falls to his knees
They had[Em]had breakfast together
But two e[Em]eggs don't last
Like the [A7]feeling of what he needs
[Cadd9] Now this place seems familiar to him
[D] She pulled on his hand with a devilish grin
She[Em]She led him upstairs, she led him upstairs
Left him[A7]him dying to get in
[G] Forgive me I'm trying t[Cadd9]to find
My calling, I'm calling[A7]calling at night
I don't mean to[A7]to be a bother
But[Cadd9]But have you seen this girl?
[G] She's been running through my[Cadd9]my dreams
And it's driving me crazy it[A7]it seems
I'm gonna ask her to marry[Cadd9]marry me
[Cadd9] Even though she doesn't believe in [D]love
He's determined to call her[Em]her bluff
Who could[Em]could deny, these butterflies?
They're f[Em]filling his gut
[Cadd9] Waking the neighbors,[D]neighbors, unfamiliar faces
He[Em]He pleads though he tries
Bu[Em]But he's only denied
Now he's [A7]dying to get inside
[G] Forgive me I'm trying[Cadd9]trying to find
My calling, I'm calling[A7]calling at night
I don't [A7]mean to be a bother
But[Cadd9]But have you seen this girl?
[G] She's been running through my[Cadd9]my dreams
And it's driving me crazy it[A7]it seems
I'm gonna ask her to marry[Cadd9]marry me
[Em] The neighbors said she moved[Cadd9]moved away
Funny how it rained all [G]day
I didn't think[G]think much of it then
But it's st[D]starting to all make sense
[D] Oh I can [Em]see now that all of [Cadd9]these clouds
Are[G]Are following me in my desperate endeavor
To[D]To find my whoever, whoever she may[G]may be
[Bridge2] (Juliet Simms)
I'm [G]not coming back, I've done something so[Cadd9]so terrible
I'm terrified to speak, but you'd expect that from[A7]from me
I'm mixed up, I'll [A7]be blunt, now the rain is just
[Cadd9] Washing you out of my hair and out of my[G]my mind
Keeping an eye[G]eye on the world
[Cadd9] So many thousands of feet off the ground
I'm [A7]over you now, I'm at home in the clouds
[Cadd9] Towering over your head
[Outro] (Alex Gaskarth)
I guess I'll go[Em]go home now
I guess I'll go[D]go home now
I guess I'll go[Em]go home now
I guess I'll go[A7]go home.


Song information

All Time Low A7Cadd9DEmG US-UK
Vote rhythm