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Glycerine - Bush - Bush
2 days ago

Twist And Shout Approved

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Well shake it up b[C]aby now, (sh[F]ake it up b[G]aby)
Twist and sh[C]out. (Tw[F]ist and sh[G]out)
Come on, come on, come on, come on, b[C]aby now, (c[F]ome on b[G]aby)
Come on and work it on o[C]ut. (W[F]ork it on o[G]ut, ooh!)
Well work it on o[C]ut, (w[F]ork it on o[G]ut)
You know you look so go[C]od. (L[F]ook so g[G]ood)
You know you got me g[C]oin' now, (G[F]ot me g[G]oin')
Just like I knew you wo[C]uld. (Like I k[F]new you w[G]ould, ooh!)
Well shake it up b[C]aby now, (sh[F]ake it up b[G]aby)
Twist and sh[C]out. (Tw[F]ist and sh[G]out)
Come on, come on, come on, come on, b[C]aby now, (c[F]ome on b[G]aby)
Come on and work it on o[C]ut. (W[F]ork it on o[G]ut, ooh!)
You know you twist it little g[C]irl, (tw[F]ist little g[G]irl)
Tou know you twist so f[C]ine. (Tw[F]ist so f[G]ine)
Come on and twist a little cl[C]oser now, (tw[F]ist a little c[G]loser)
And let me know that you're m[C]ine. (Let me k[F]now you're m[G]ine, ooh!)
[C][Br[F]id[G]ge][C] [F] [G] [C] [F] [G] [C] [F] [G]
[G]Ahh ahh a[G7]ahh ahh ahh yeah!!
B[C]aby now, (sh[F]ake it up b[G]aby)
Twist and sh[C]out. (Tw[F]ist and sh[G]out)
Come on, come on, come on, come on, b[C]aby now, (c[F]ome on b[G]aby)
Come on and work it on o[C]ut. (W[F]ork it on o[G]ut, ooh!)
You know you twist it little[C] girl, ([F]twist little g[G]irl)
Tou know you twist so f[C]ine. (Tw[F]ist so f[G]ine)
Come on and twist a little cl[C]oser now, (tw[F]ist little cl[G]oser)
And let me know that you're m[C]ine. (Let me k[F]now you're m[G]ine ooh!)
Well shake it shake it shake it b[C]aby now. (s[F]hake it up b[G]aby)
Well shake it shake it shake it b[C]aby now. (s[F]hake it up b[G]aby)
Well shake it shake it shake it b[C]aby now. (s[F]hake it up b[G]aby)
[G]Ahh ahh a[G7]ahh ahh [G] [Ab] [A] [A#] [B] [C] [C9]


Song information

The Beatles (Key C#) (Link)
The Beatles AA#AbBCC9FGG7 US-UK
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