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mad woman x no body, no crime - Taylor Swift - Taylor Swift
2 days ago

O Come To The Altar Approved

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[Key:]Capo [B]4, or use
transpose from G to B for no capo
[G] [C]
[G]Are you [C]hurting and broken with[G]within?
Overw[C]Overwhelmed by the weight of your [Em]sin?
Jesus is c[C]calling.
[G]Have you [C]come to the end of your[G]yourself?
do you th[C]thirst for a drink from the [Em]well?
Jesus is c[C]calling.
[G]O come to[Am7]to,
the altar,[Em]altar,
the Father's arms are [C]open w[G]wide,
was bought wit[Em]with,
the precious blood of J[C]Jesus [G]Christ.
[G]Leave be[C]behind your regrets and m[G]mistakes,
come to[C]today there’s no reason to [Em]wait,
Jesus is c[C]calling.
[G]Bring your [C]sorrows and trade them for [G]joy,
from the a[C]ashes a new life is b[Em]born,
Jesus is [C]calling.
[G]O come to[Am7]to,
the altar,[Em]altar,
the Father's arms are [C]open w[G]wide,
was bought with,[Em]with,
the precious blood of J[C]Jesus [G]Christ.
[G] [Em]
Oh what a[G]a Saviour,
isn't He w[Em]wonderful,
sing halle[C]hallelujah Christ is rise[G]risen,
bow down [G]before Him,
for He is [Em]Lord of all,
sing hallel[C]hallelujah Christ is rise[G]risen.
[G]O come to,[Am7]to,
the altar,[Em]altar,
the Father's arms are [C]open [G]wide,
was bought with,[Em]with,
the precious blood of J[C]Jesus [G]Christ.
[G] [Am7] [Em] [C] [G]
[G]Bear your c[C]cross as you wait for the [G]crown
Tell the [G/F]world of the tr[C]treasure
you fo[G]found [C] [G] [C] [G]


Song information

Elevation Worship Am7CEmFG US-UK
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