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mad woman x no body, no crime - Taylor Swift - Taylor Swift
3 days ago
So Long, London x The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived - Taylor Swift - Taylor Swift
9 hours ago

Bless The Broken Road Approved

This song is approved and moved to home page. Go to song
[C] [G] [Am] [F] [G] [C] [(x2)]
[C]I set out on a [G]narrow [Am]way [F]many [G]years ag[C]ago
[C]Hoping I would f[G]find true [Am]love al[F]ong the b[G]roken ro[C]ad
But [Am]I got lost a t[G]time or two
Wipe[F]Wiped my brow and kept p[C]pushing through
[C]I couldn't see how [G]every [Am]sign [F]pointed [G]straight to y[C]you
Every l[F]ong lost d[C]ream lead me to wh[G]ere you a[C]re
Others who b[F]roke my h[C]eart they were like no[F]rthern st[G]ars
Pointing me o[F]n my wa[C]y into your lo[G]ving a[Am]rms
This much I [F]know is t[C]true..
That G[C]od blessed the bro[G]ken r[Am]oad that l[F]ed me str[G]aight to y[C]ou
[C] [G] [Am] [F] [G] [C] [(x2)]
I [C]think about the y[G]ears I s[Am]pent j[F]ust pas[G]sing thro[C]ugh
I'd l[C]ike to have the t[G]ime I l[Am]ost a[F]nd give it b[G]ack to y[C]ou
But y[Am]you just smile and ta[G]take my hand
[F]You've been there you u[C]understand
[C]It's all part of a g[G]rander pl[Am]an th[F]at is co[G]ming tr[C]ue
Every l[F]ong lost d[C]ream lead me to wh[G]ere you a[C]re
Others who b[F]roke my h[C]eart they were like no[F]rthern st[G]ars
Pointing me o[F]n my wa[C]y into your lo[G]ving a[Am]rms
This much I [F]know is t[C]true..
That G[C]od blessed the bro[G]ken r[Am]oad that l[F]ed me str[G]aight to y[C]ou
(not sure about the chords here; I just play the Intro again)
[F] [C] [G] [C] [F] [C] [G] [C]
And now I'm just r[F]olling h[C]ome into my l[G]over's [C]arms
This much I k[F]know is t[C]true..
That G[C]od blessed the br[G]oken r[Am]oad that l[F]ed me str[G]aight to y[C]ou [F] [G] [C]
That G[C]od blessed the broken road that l[F]ed me str[G]aight to y[C]ou [F]ooo[G]ooo[C]oo
[C]Ooo[G]oo[Am]ooo[F] oo[G]oo[C]oo[(let]o ooo[ring)]


Song information

Rascal Flatts AmCFG US-UK
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