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mad woman x no body, no crime - Taylor Swift - Taylor Swift
3 days ago
So Long, London x The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived - Taylor Swift - Taylor Swift
10 hours ago

Sister Golden Hair Approved

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[Tone]Capp [C]on 4th fret
[Am] [F] [Csus4] [Em] [Am] [G] [F]
Well, I tr[C]tried to make it Sunday, but I [Em]got so damn depressed,
that I s[F]et my sights on M[C]onday and I g[Em]ot myself undressed
I ain't r[F]ready for the al[Dm]altar, but I [Am]do a[Em]gree there's ti[F]mes,
when a w[Dm]woman sure can [F]be a friend of [C]mine[Csus4]mine [C]
Well, I k[C]keep on thinkin' 'bout you, Sister G[Em]Golden Hair surprise,
and I j[F]ust can't live witho[C]ut you; can't you s[Em]ee it in my eyes?
I been o[F]ne poor corresp[Dm]ondent, and I been t[Am]oo, too [Em]hard to fi[F]nd,
but it d[Dm]oesn't mean you a[F]in't been on my m[C]ind
Will you m[G]eet me in the middle, will you m[F]eet me in the a[C]ir?
Will you lo[G]ve me just a little, just en[F]ough to show you c[C]are?
Well I t[Dm]ried to fake it, I d[Em]on't mind sayin', I j[F]ust can't make it
[Am] [F] [Csus4] [Em] [Am] [G] [F]
Well, I k[C]keep on thinkin' 'bout you, Sister G[Em]Golden Hair surprise,
and I j[F]ust can't live with[C]out you; can't you s[Em]ee it in my eyes?
I been o[F]one poor corresp[Dm]correspondent, and I been [Am]too, too h[Em]ard to f[F]ind,
but it d[Dm]oesn't mean you a[F]in't been on my m[C]ind
Will you m[G]eet me in the middle, will you m[F]eet me in the a[C]ir?
Will you l[G]ove me just a little, just en[F]ough to show you c[C]are?
Well I t[Dm]ried to fake it, I d[Em]on't mind sayin', I j[F]ust can't make it
D[G]oo wop shoo wop, Doo wop shoo wop, D[F]oo wop shoo wop, D[C]oo wop shoo wop
D[G]oo wop shoo wop, Doo wop shoo wop, D[F]oo wop shoo wop, D[C]oo wop shoo wop
D[G]oo wop shoo wop, Doo wop shoo wop, D[F]oo wop shoo wop, D[C]oo wop shoo wop
D[G]oo wop shoo wop, Doo wop shoo wop, D[F]oo wop shoo wop, D[C]oo wop shoo wop


Song information

America (Key E) (Link)
America AmCCsus4DmEmFG US-UK
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