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Moderate > Approval queue > Fortunate Son

Waiting for approve

Oscar Winning Tears. - Raye - Mike Sabath, Rachel Keen
11 hours ago
Bed Rest - Conan Gray - Conan Gray
9 hours ago
The Cut That Always Bleeds - Conan Gray - Conan Gray
6 hours ago

Fortunate Son Approved

This song is approved and moved to home page. Go to song
[G]Some folks are born, [F]made to wave the flag
[C]Ooh they're red white and[G]and blue
[G]And when the band plays [F]hail to the chief
[C]Ooh they point the cannons at[G]at you, y'all
[G]It aint me, [D]It aint me, I[C]I aint no senators son [G]y'all
[G]It aint me, It a[D]aint me, I aint [C]no fortunate one , no [G]
S[G]Some folks are born, silver[F]silver spoon in hand
Lor[C]Lord they don't help themse[G]themselves, y'all
[G]But when the tax man comes[F]comes to the door
[C]Lord the house looks like a rummage sale y[G]yeah
[G]It aint me, [D]It aint me I [C]aint no millionaires s[G]son, no
[G]It aint me, It a[D]aint me I aint n[C]no fortunate one, no [G]
e|--------------------------------| B|---6----5-----5---1-----1/3-----| G|---7----6-----6---2-----2/4-----| (x2) D|--------------------------------| A|--------------------------------| E|--------------------------------|
[G]Some folks inherit st[F]star spangled eyes
[C]Ooh they send you down to[G]to war, Lord
[G]And when you ask em "How[F]"How much should we give?"
[C]They only answer "More! M[G]More! More!" yoh
[G]It aint me, [D]It aint me, I[C]I aint no military[G]military son, son
[G]It aint me, It a[D]aint me, I aint[C]aint no fortunate one , no [G]
[G]It ain't me, [D]it ain't me, I[C]I ain't no fortunate[G]fortunate one, no no no
[G]It ain't me, it ai[D]n't me, I ain't[C] no fortunate[G] son, no no no


Song information

Creedence Clearwater Revival CDFG US-UK
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