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Fallen Approved

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Tông gốc Eb, capo 3 choi C
Intro: [C] [Em] [F] [C] x2
[C]Tell me things you never [Em]said out loud
[F]Just try and go there if you [C]can
[C]Show me the parts of you you're not that [Em]proud of
[F]I want to know I'm just a [C]man
[C]I'll have you know that I have [Em]good and bad days
[F]Come on, now, love, don't be [C]naive
[C]Lay out our cards and you'll see [Em]all my mistakes
[F]Well, I don't mind while you're with [C]me
[Am]When have I fallen
[F]Am I crawling on my knees[F]
[Am]Here I'm calling
[F]In the hope that you'll see [C]me
[Am]Whoa whoa whoa
[F]Whoa whoa whoa
[C]Whoa whoa whoa [G] x2
[C] [Em] [F] [C] x2
[C]This voice inside of me has [Em]lost its breath
[F]It's far too tired to sing at [C]ease
[C]All of the things I never [Em]said out loud
[F]They will remain inside of [C]me
[Am]Yeah and I've fallen
[F]Yes, I'm crawling on my knees[C]
[Am]Yeah and I'm calling
[F]Out in search of who we'll be [C]
[C] [Em] [F] [C]
[C]Tell me things you never [Em]said out loud
[F]‘Cause I want to know I'm just a [C]man


Song information

Gert Taberner (Key Eb) (Link)
Gert Taberner AmCEmFG US-UK
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